currently in in kl..will fly bck to labuan tomorw morning flight..relaxin my mind and body here..catchin up with my old2 good gurlfriend just made my day..never tot tht most of us facing alomst similiar story in ths life..tht y we are friends i guess..well im sure all of us deserved better life and ...its make me change my mind to work in kl..aisehh..
activity yg sudah d buat : small shoppin..walkin around..window shoppin..relaxin at home, ctachun up and gossiping wth my and eat..and eat..soon will diet ya :P
well tht all for updating via digi broadband and fyi skrg dlm kereta..hehe.. :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
im still alive
Posted by DefadaPooh at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
bad n bed day
my blog might sound fck up from now and onwards..for how long no body knws.since it one of my therapy so pls jgn ada mana2 yg tersinggung or apa2 lah..if taksuka jgn baca..
im sure tht everyone went tru sumtg hard..sadness..sorrow and myb its wat im going tru bila melalui mesti tak sbr mau end the sorrow.but sumtimes we forgot tht it actually cant be forgotten..sumhow it may remain deeply sumwhr in our mind@ heart.itu ada lah process healing.
itu lah kan tidak ada apa yg sempurna dan tiada ada yg kekal..yg hidup pasti akan pergi ..yg idup pun pandai berubah2..jd victim memang ndak if kita yg menyebabkan sesuatu yg buruk itu..rasa mcm headacche pun ada..rasa mcm jd mls pun ada..rasa mcm2..mixed up.
btw i pray for the best
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
di antara dua darjat..
process membaik pulih cardiosclerosis memang mcm2 therapy kena buat..kesabaran juga ada lah salah satu yg di pescribe..yg tidak ada di adays i managed to control my anger..yay..that y now im bloigging to throw away all the sadness..i dunt need ppl to understand coz im lazy to never boder to ask..just wait and c..i keep all my curiosity my sadness deeply in my heart..and i hope it wont become toxic inside my body system.i just wann be more more positive and stonger externally n internally.i understand now tht life is not easy and can become so so so so cruel.dont be afraid of it..semua kesusahan itu kerna Tuhan tahu bahawa kita mampu melaluinya..terimalah apa2 cobaan itu sebagai satu anugerah yg akan mendewasakan kita..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:37 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
re think..
now bnyk benda yg d fikir..yg d fikirkan berulang2 kali..shitz ok its not easy to begin sumthg and not easy to begin new im think i wanna work sumwhere else instead of malaysia..d mana tu nnti lah kasi tau ..emmmm so now kena lah pelan cari info kan..well i hope wt ever the best itu lah yg akan d lalui..:) skrg ne kan rasa mau ajar tution pun ada..mau jd pembaca berita tv3 pun head sudah tidak stable..utk jd tutor memang ndak susah.ada tranning center sendiri kan.tapi mostly itu untk baitulmal student..paymentt jak belm will gv a sendiri kan..hhahaha..i will charged more :P
Posted by DefadaPooh at 9:06 PM 0 comments
sony lagi
i thk its true to say my faith with sony so so so so for real..ada dlm entry yg lalu cerita pasal sony kan..Tx5 sony..yg waterproof tu..hehhe..time graduation tu my mom pulak bawa color..cun lah juga.tapi kenapa lah pulak dia beli of coz yg lebih2 guna mesti lah me lah..heheheh..but ada cerita sedih lah pulak pasal yes TX1 awsome ..
but TX5 sudah pun berada di sini..with me..purple it..belum lagi ada kesempatan mau explore hbs camera ne.but for sure mau try betul2 dlm air ne..hehehhe..cooooool :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 17, 2010
archivment sepanjang cuti2 tidak bergaji
ok rasa sudah mula2 gelisah d labuan..dan resah kerana cuaca yg sot2..tidak suka panas dan juga tidak suka hujan yg berlebihan yg d ikuti dengan dentuman guruh yg amat scary..menganggu kualiti memandu d malam hari sepanjang ketiadaan Mr s...
but i can feel the diff this time..feel happy able to catch up wit my old2 good friends..and yes they are alwz my friends..i wont feel ths labuan so so so empty like before. :P great..thnx to maslyn, michelle,amy,nana hong, joanita,baby,and siapa2 lagi lah yg tidak tesebut long as we keep in touch its more thn enough for me :) love it..lepaking..spending times to do nothing here in labuan so so so so meaningful for me..esp jumpa geng utk melepak lagi :) hehehheeheh
mr s lama lagi balik ne..ayyaaa....make my self bz so i wont really realize hw slow the times flies actually :)
now im looking for any part time job tht dosent required much time, energy and home tutor and prefer mathematic for primary school :)
my room baru siap restructured and buang2 few thgs..belum siap lagi..will be cont later saja lah..esp bab2 painting the wall tu kan.. :) dlm end of the month rajin lagi before p kl ne buang few stuff lagi :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 08, 2010
again and again
tadi ter tengok lah pulak lagi movie confession of a shoperhollic.i guess it my 4th time wathching it..heheheh love this movie.lady in green scarf masih mampu kasi menangis and membazir my air mata utk movie sweet bah!!heheheh..kan best kalau dpt bf yg mcm mr brandon selalu ckp kan relationship is betwwen 2 diff person with completly diff background, interest and etc2..myb ada lah sama2 sikitkan..tht y it needs an effort to work it out.hw if its kinda very hard to xpln the other patry wat we need from his side?emmmm..kalau other party tu jenis selamba thp gaban pun kan susah juga tau..yg susah may faham thgs in silent..emmmmm melalut pulak sudah ne kan..well everyone enjoy thursday night ..esok jumaat sudah..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
lidut@ lambat
sir (speel it right) ada tengok kah d tv..Sgt best..mecabar minda sendiri juga..bgs2 utk budak2..tapi itu bukan topic utama hari ne.topic nya ia lah sehari sepatah kata..since im from kami pun ada dialec tersendiri..ayat2 pelik kamus dewan bahasa labuan..hhhheh sama mcm org2 sarawak ada bm sarawak sendiri..kuala terengganu,kelantan dan lain2 negeri lagi juga ada dialec masing2 kan.
so ayat hari ini lidut atau juga bertebiat .yg membawa maksud lambat @ melengah-lengahkan sesuatu contoh ayat : 1. kenapa bah ko ani lidut banar membuat keraja? = kenapa kamu ne sgt lambat@ melengah2kan kerja ne?( lebih kurang mcm tuy lah yer)
2.bertebiat jua ko ne bersiap= lambat juga kamu ne bersiap..
teringat kan ayat lidut ne hari ne coz i just relazie hw lidut iam to clear up my expecting on the 16th july dpt sudah cat dinding bilik ne..
today sudah mula bosan..dan ala2 benci nya my love mau fly sudah..i'll be more2 bored.. ok ok yg penting jgn lupa bawa sony vaio ne p dubai yer...emmmmm dan jgn lupa list2 utk d shopping later..less stressful ths time coz i'll be away too so so basically we wil landed together lah balik labuan ya.:P
so jgn lupa ulang kaji ayat oif the day..
click2 on my nuff too ya
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:48 PM 0 comments
Relaxing day
opss i was missing in action..wasnt able to update my blogs..was too bz relaxing my mind. :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 03, 2010
package 3 h 2m d pulau labuan
sudden package tidak di rancang d labuan..and i was unregisted tour guide yg baru jak balik less thn a week n masih2 lupa2 lagi jln d bndr labuan yg sbg besar itu..hehehehhrhrh semua ini gara2 mummy yen and his one come down to my small was great day whille they were around..
antara activity meriah ; round2 labuan yg besar itu..berpanas d memorial park.night2 life..karaoke ..lepak2 makan..after almost 10months plus ndak jumpa..of coz rindu sama mandakz2 ne..soon will join the HO CLUB in kk..:)
btw masih dlm mood mls2 menupdate blog..btw will try my very best to update
cheers everyone
Posted by DefadaPooh at 1:13 AM 0 comments