DiGi offering the best plain for iPhone 4.There are 3 different plain that offering by DiGi such as iDigi 88, iDiGi 138 and iDiGi 238. I am prefer iDiGi 88, which for me it the most valuable plain.Only RM 58 monthly up to 24 months contract what a huge saving!! monthly free usage such as 200min voice call, 200 sms, 20mms, 1Gb internet.Lowest rate monthly usage only 15sen/min,10sen for sms, and 20sen for mms.Believe it or not no extra charges after reaching the monthly quato so FREE from unexpected bill statement.FREE calls,sms and mms up to 6 suppliment numbers.Cheaper call,sms and mms up to 6 numbers for friends and family.All sound so promising and great.Why pay more if there is great bargain in town from DiGI? iDiGi 88 plain is what suite me the most and the best value for money and iPhone 4. Love DiGI!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
DiG iPhone 4 Play
What gadget that would always stick on your hand?? I am pretty sure that most people would says PHONE@ HAND PHONE!! Without phone aka hand phone I would feel there is some thing in complete and my head will be in mess. Yet I would tend to browse around either my dad nor friend's iPhone. Poor me just using Window phone.I like Installious application on iPhone. I wont call it as an iPhone without this Installious application. Installious application is one application to download almost everything even my medical e books and medical application could be downloaded easily from there. Life getting easier and towards perfection with all the application that offer by iPhone..say thank you to iPhone!!
Digi iPhone 4 Play
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 25, 2010
DiGi IPhone 4Me
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
konsep 1 malaysia
konsep satu malaysia memang satu yg bunyi mcm syok!!mcm mantap..semua org mau mengunakan konsep itu untuk bermcm2 program lah..contoh terbesar konsert satu siti..uweek ndak muntah dengar..satu siti ekk?kaya pun siti satu jak lah..im not a big fan of siti and at the same time tidak jua benci sgt..ok ok..so no offence siti it just a reality of ths konsep 1 malaysia..pengertian belum tentu semua org faham..org atasan pun belum tentu faham sgt..objective and subjective utk konsep ne mostly on paper jer ler lebih..harap2 idea ini tidak di salah ertikan..bukan anti 1 malaysia..pengertian dan pengisian juga semakin kucar kacir.contoh terdekat iklan tv 3 bab raya tht day bertapa lah hilang pedoman..bukan tidak suka pembahuran..it a great idea but certain issue just cant b mixed up in a wrong direction beb..taksub dengan 1 malaysia sampi merosakan minda..tidak kah mereka tahu media massa ada lah pengaruh terhebat kepada minda kanak2..korang ne conffrm tak tengok the arrival ne kan.hw disneyworld catoon dah artis2 d hollywood boleh mempengaruhi minda kita hari ne..
konsep satu malaysia idea yg bgs cuma blm mencapai tahap sebanar..dah org2 yg melaksanakn program2 yg berkaitan kononnya kebannyakannya hanya untuk meraut keuntungan!!haahahahha..well idea ini hanya setakat sembang2 d waktu hujan.ehehhehe..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:58 AM 2 comments
Rancangan tergendala seketika
3pm dengan cuaca panas keluar pergi terminal ferry membeli ticket kereta utuk ahad ne..malang sudah berpanas dan berpeluh2 ticket ferry jam 130pm hbs lah pulak..ada pagi dan jam 4.30pm jak..sgt lah pasti mesti ada punya lagi jam 1.30pm tu..call up my dad,my bro and even shibu..none of them picking up my call..shitz..after few attempt my dad pick up his phone bt due to his bzness his dunt bother malah d marah pulak ada lah..call up mr shibu gosh hw can he sleep by ths hour ( 3.20pm)..oh curi tulang yer..so so so i just drive bck home and thn only able to reach my bro..sudah otw balik mls mau patah balik beli ticket 4.30pm..alamak itu ferry kecik saja lah...emmm since we will be bck togthr on sunday as plaining..seems to be cancel lah dulu.sudah d rumah dah megupdate blog ne..so biar hantu2 saja lah kemas rumah d sana.i hope there is people who gonna hlp arranging transport my bed back to labuan!
sudah mula berasa bosan duduk d rumah now!!i thk better go kl and sleep whole day and nite there while waiting for induction~~
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
perancangan seorang penganggur
di seketika menjadi seorang penganggur berjaya ini mcm2 di dlm fikirkan.opss bukan apa yg mahu d buat sebagai penganggur..tapi apa yg plain nnti once sudah menjadi buruh kasar hospital kerajaan..idea@ hasrat untuk menyewa rumah d kk telah d batalkan untuk seketika.ada lah lebih baik mengumpulkan 1krm ech month for few months thn later deposit beli aparment/ rumah..esok lusa boleh d sewakan..so sementara ini tinggal merempat jak lah d rumah my sis nana or my aunty house d kk..bukan teda rumah d kk.berlambak2..
so next plain sunday ne p kk, kemas rumah sana, memspace kan sebnyk yg mungkin, sediakan apa yg patut insysaalh ada peruntukan..kira2 mau cat rumah d sana juga lah..and selasa depan insyalh dptlah membawa balik katil dari kk ke labuan guna lori..insyallh..
yg selebihnya ndak ada idea mau buat apa.hehehhe..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
recently i heard a lot about Singapore..most of my friend talking about singapore, and on the last 16th september one of my friend travelling to Singapore just to go to the Disneyland studio..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i wanna go there too..perhaps by end of the year ya insyallh..nuffnag as well advertise about Singapore lets check it here :more about Singapore..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:04 AM 0 comments
sex and the city 2
sudah tengok kah??best oh..hehehehe ..memang life somtimes could be that way..be ready..
sebenarnya ndak ada idea untuk update hari ne..lets share here few picture sepanjang raya :
Posted by DefadaPooh at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 18, 2010
drama ray
raya tahun ne ndak lah mcm yg d jangkakan..not all my family around..and too much drama since morning 1st day of raya..bad hint doh. not happening like how i left it 6 years ago..mayb matter of age ya..sudah getting older so ndak lah mcm kanak2 dulu ya.
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
bila dugaan itu terlalu sukar
agree when ppl said " idup umpana roda..kejap d atas,kejap d bawah" mean idup itu ada mcm2 cubaa lah kan..sumtimes we might feel tht our life just almost perfect and just nice..but once it down..rasa mcm 5 mcm .till to the extend unsure either to laugh or to cry on it. sumtimes feel so scared abt life and future..will i be able success?can i b sumone sumday?can i tru all ths life?once i almost can see sumthg for my life there is sumthg else comin up..kadang2 tu terasa dugaan itu tidak akan mengenal erti "enough is enough"..sudah lah dugaan itu semua hampir sama..shitzz org bilang..what is wrong wt all ths? till to the extend feel tired..esp after tryin so hard to normalize ths life.and balancing all elements. i pray to Allah S.W.T to replace all ths sorrow to wealthy tht inssyallh will wait me ahead.so i can sumwhere far far away to continue study or work..amin
hw i wish when i wake up tomorrow it already past abt 3-5 years ..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
wow for the first time since jd pengagngur im writing and updating my blog entry Early morning..( bukan tengah pagi tp 10am ++ gitu)..my kitten woke me up..and on top of it there is bunch of thgs awaiting for me to be done..sigh!
so wat ur plan for today my lovely reader and friends?wat p shopping?ikut ehhh..im sure everyone must be doing last2 mint raya preparation and etc2.alamak semlm lupa mau update lah..my Checqa sudah selamat melahirkan semlm 07/09/2010 ..if hari ne pun kan lawa tarikh nya..ala2..ada 4 anak ..wah banyak nya..1 first delivery dulu anak jak..oh worried if checqa will be stress rising up 4 kitties..:) color nyer juga cute.ada warna grey few tompok2 and ada warna brown2 few tompok..tp blm clear lagi lah tengok anak checqa..excited!!im kitties granny now..tua nyer ..well im happy for it :)
alamak baju raya kucing blm beli lah :P
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:55 PM 0 comments
pre raya entry..
gosh i keep on missing ya rite after become official " penganggur " .ada kah hidup sebagai penganggur ini lebih bz berbanding mejadi medic student?hard to answer..bila bz baru lagi suka membz2 masa ya..
most of my friend getting bored while waiting to start working, emm bt its not happening to me at all..im not looking forwards to start working!! BUT at the same time i need $$$..so for a mean time im spending my time to travel around kk and kl..most of the time ada purpose tersendiri..menyelam sambil minum air..helping my dad and doing other freelance thinging which also cuma utk my family members..well i enjoyed it so much!
my room make over still dlm process.memandangkan tuan punya diri yg hilang entah kemana2 kan.well few basic thgs sudah lama d beli d ikea..lampu gantung itu sungguh tak sbr mau tunggu d pasang oleh my dad.kipas bila mau tukar ahh?nnti lah itu nnti..
divan@ katil ala2 d hotel itu juga sudah d beli.cuma msih tersadai d kk.pas raya nnti cari lori tumpang utk d bawa p labuan..tema putih telah bertukar menjadi dark blue@ black and red. coz its hard to get perfect white d kk apa tah lagi d labuan.nvm next time tema itu akan d penuhi.
sementara org bz beraya dan membersihkan rumah utk raya.saya pulak sibuk mencari almari baju.tidak mau build in lah.tidak sbr mau tunggu dan kos nya juga tidak berbaloi untuk bilik comel ini..insyallh next time rumah lain yg akan memastikan bilik lyn seperti futsal court.:)thank to my dad yg melayan karenah saya hari ne..thnx kerana menjadi penaja.LOVE U dad and mom ( even mom bising2 coz i menyemak di hari2 mau raya ne)
statement yg paliang lawak of the day from my dad " engko sibuk2 mau beli skrg ne napa?beraya d bilik kah?" hahhaha but yet u still layan me.. :)
dad cepatin deh belikan cat bilik ne..ndak sbr mau tukar warna ne!
p/s : di sini ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya in advace.
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:07 PM 0 comments