memang sukar d percayai..first posting lyn d department peads..memang sound real sucks..btw so far satu bulan..its not tht bad lah kan.cuma i pray hard nothg bad gonna be happened lah kan..amin..i dunt mind learning.:) di sini lah belajar itu lipat lampin..eeer belum pas lagi lah ..sini lah juga terpaksa pandai angkat baby even prem baby.oh..cucuk sana sini tangan baby hampir expert sudah. alah bisa tegal biasa..wah betul kah tu?well well well i can deal with few minor and comment things around here..tidak lah expert lagi sgt .but ibu2 d luar sana kebanyakan kes anak2 yg reffer ke ward yg berkaitan dengan cirit birit dan prob akan jd sukar jika anak2 itu sudah d beri ubat tahan berek oleh clinic luar.kerna ubat itu sgt
Thursday, November 25, 2010
saya doc peads kah?
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
am i still dreaming?
ths morning..damn lazy to wake up..feel like im gonna fall sick...sick of waking up 5.40am aka 6am for 7days a till up to 10pm,ever up to 12am.argghh sick of body just cant bare on it today..gosh...when i look at the its ranning outside no wonder i feel super damn lazy ya.reach hosp around 715am.lucky me not much to update.and at nursery the morning round not as early as t chidlren ward.btw till today i cant imagine actually im working now and wake up early every single day.wt a life.
sumtimes minor distruction either internally or externally could change my mood.but so far im able to adjust and b cool most of the time.
most of the night i just sleep and colapse..hahaha tidur mati.but sumtimes sumthg stress me up before sleep and just buried all the sorrow deeply inside my heart and sleep wt morning just wake up and lock uneasy feelin inside.
life change so much...i'll do wat ever it takes to ensure i'll strive in ths life.either people might saying tht im become heartless,feelingless or wat ever lah..I dunt care cz im the one who deal wt ths life.
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:27 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
takbir raya d hospital
selamt hari raya aidil adha kah?ada berkorban apa2? i did korban jiwa dan raga today..kerja 7 hari seminggu membuatkan diri lupa hari dan lupa cuti2 umum..jd perasaan hari ne tidak lah meronta2 bnyk mana pun p kerja..cuma yes wear ndak rasa apa2..bgn mandi dan rushing p hospital yg mana 3 mint jak pun smpi..well bila sampai tempat parking tu heran ehh bnyk juga yg berbaju melayu ne..errr alamak terdengar takbir raya yg sgt merdu..uisshh dari masjid d hosp ne lah..adeh2..sebak pulak jd nya..di buatkan cerita pulak..rupanya2 masjid tu sebelah my ward jak pun..lagi lah celar deh..dengar kutbah sambil2 clarkin patient dah updatate case notes..walaweh..hari ne kerja ok lah..ndak lah seteruk mana pun.dengan nasib yg menyebelahi diri yes dpt balik hald day..kalau ada mana2 mo lain yg puashat ate esok mati lah lyn..well rasanya no hal lah..pray hard :)
mkn tengah hari d town bersama chombi..beraya rendang ayam kedai lah kami,, :)
balik rumah zzzz..wah tidru petg nikmat nya..gila boleh jd coma oh..
beberapa hari ne kerja memang mcm shitz..b a gurl@ women memang susah..lagi2 kerja d environment yg penuh gan gurls..damn ..jelously maigh arise anytime..gila2..jd dr memang boleh jd gila hanya kerja org2 d bawah itu mengila atrau meroyan ndak tentu pasal..dengan nasib sebagai ho ne kena sbr jak lah ..kasi menang jak dorang semua tu..tebalkan hati..hati sudah hampir beku.sesunggunya tuhan itu lagi adil..org2 yg terainaya doa nya mungkin akan jd antara yg tip top d atas list ..hehehhe
well i treasure my day and hope i could be a good dr sumday,,evenho kadang2 rasa give up..rasa bosan hanya kerja non stop 7days in a row..aissshhh..
jgn lah bercita2 menjd dr..atau pun mau anak kamu jd dr..kerja lain lah..:)
luahan hati ho baru.
Posted by DefadaPooh at 6:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
yay kerja patutnya 7 till 10pm..sabtu hari bermula dengan sesuatu yg tidak lah indah tidak lah teruk..cuma damn sikit..but it covered up whn i m able to escape from hell a bit..berjaya melarikan diri jam satu pencapaian terhebat,,mengambil kesempatan ke atm machine, ke giant,apply astro dan juga berjaya melepak2 d secrete reciepe..well nasib baik lah ndak terjumpa dengan mo lain//hahahhaha
so far life up and down..and bla2..bla2..nothg last fuck it!!ahahhahah
enjoy ur day..
hope i'll be able to update anytg again soon
Posted by DefadaPooh at 3:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
wat a life
kalau boleh kasi masuk ne kan bunyi2 background ne confrm mau kasi masuk..engan buyi2 bayi menangis..uweek2..aiseh alwz make me wonder bah where am i now???gosh im at hospital and im working..shitz..working life for ths first 1 month with workin hour 7am till up to 10.00pm really wonderful!!gooooossssh!!!wth..yes memang betul jadi dr jadi bodoh..jgn lah kasi anak2 kamu jd dr..seriously medical school and in practice kinda 2 diff things..babs...wasting my 6years of life!bukan lah terus2 semua ndak ada kaitan..but lagi bnyk yg pelik2.. :)). first 1week an a half life just ok ok..nw slightly depressed to be at nicu ward..shitzz i hates those cases..hates those pre mature baby and etc2..arrghhhh..well well mau jd dr pakar juga mengambil masa yg lama..kena jadi kuli dulu oh!!damn it~~
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:53 AM 0 comments