Wednesday, August 24, 2011

bantu lah

membantulah insan2 yg memerlukan..kerana tangan yg memberi itu lagi baik yg memberi.tapi jangan lah hanya memberi dan membantu d bulan ramdhan ne..contohnya banyak yg mengambil kesempatan menjamu atau memberi bantuan kepada anak2 yatim dan anak miskin d bulan puasa..berebut2 nak bagi derma sana sini..entah2 budak2 yg menerima pun dok jenguh p kenduri or function sana sini..murah rezeki itu bagus..tapi lagi bagus jika rezeki mereka juga sentiasa ada sepanjang tahun..sebagai contoh hari ne di rancangan bersama mu DI tv 3 ..bertapa suci nya pengorbanan mereka membesarkan anaka2 yatim dan miskin itu..hanya berteduh di suaru lama yg d ubah suai tapi masih uzur  di sana sini..mari lah bersama2 menghulurkan bantuan..tidak banyak sedikit pun juga memadai..memberi bukan pada nilai tapi pada keikhlasan. bantu lah mereka ini Rumah nur kasih taping.
banyak lagi rumah anak yatim sedemikian d malaysia ne..doakan lah mereka semua di rumah kan rezeki dan berjaya jadi manusia yg berguna.amin.

bagi yg belum mebayar zakat..jgn lupa..( well mine for sure paid by my dad lah kan..)
saya berdoa semoga kita semua di berkati..amin

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

jejak rasul di hati ku

what i can say is..i really2 fall in love with this Jejak rasul program..u might watch it at TV 3 Jejak rasul is a series  that bring us around the world to discover about Islam.History of Islam as well as latest Islam people around the world..we speak different language around this world but we share one language In Islam, Arab. 

for this year Russia the chosen one for Jejak Rasul..Subahanallah i feel so amaze, i feel so touch for difficult it was for them to practice Islam yet they are so dedicated just for Allah S.W.T..make me wonder why its look so hard for us here in Malaysia to practice it purely while we are living in Muslim not pointing it to anyone else out there as I my self still Jahil to be real Muslimah....Insyaalh ada lah Hidayah itu untuk saya ..Amin..i hope someday i'll be the one. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

monday yg bermula dgn masam

hati saya amat panas d pagi isnin..yes i m sure most of us dislike monday the most..but actuatlly i tried to like i woke up kinda on time..event i dunt have much patient to review but i wanna ensure this apo very2 optimize condition before operation.this apo memang sudah tua lah..but deeply and silently there is kinda like " revenge" with this apo lah..firstly i was feel so "puas ate " bila family member apo ini setuju utk so so saya bersemangat utk dia stable utk operation..yeeehaaa...
tapi pagi2 dengan review nyer yg itu dan ini..masih boleh tahan..yg tak tahan bila2 tup2 dpt tau im the one supposed to enter operation theater while the other partner out of no way EL pulak!! so my boss will be so pissed off hati confrm sudah panas and membara time tu..hell no..kepanasan ate  tula.nasib baik ada yg cover first case..maka selain dari pada mau apo itu stable saya juga tidak peduli apa pun yg akan jd lepas tu..coz apa2 pun saya juga yg incharge icu kan.well!!
kepanasan ate saya akan mendorong saya sama ada jd pendiam atau bising sana sini..well di ot i choose to b silent..wah rupa2nya perasan juga mereka yg lain bertapa saya masam saja..berabis lah org2 ot kan.. :)
ckp pasal apo itu...bila saya semangat tunggu case dia..time tu lah kan resut BUSE tak best sgt!!hell no!!! thn ok lagi..MO GA boleh bawa bincang2..mcm ok jer tu..yg tak best dah call apo ne buat hal pulak!!sitzz lah..
so bila saya naik ke ward saya mau family dia tau bahawa bawa pulang ur apo ne lagi bgs lah wei..
mcm2 kerenah!!!


Sunday, August 21, 2011

lambaian pelangi

di tgh hari ahad yg tak se indah mana ne pun,balik kerja duduk rumah layan tv.dari tv 3,astro ria,prima,oasis and etc2..terlayan juga tv astro prima kalau ndak sliap cerita "lambayan pelangi" indonesia yg amat bermutu.yg amat tulus dlm menunjukkan keadaan sebenar segelintir penduduk miskin yg kebanyakan anak2 tercicir pendidikan....yg mana ada institusi pendidikan utk anak miskin..air mata juga free2 menitis.sayu nya lah kan hati ne..ckp pun tak guna,tengok dulu baru tau.tak tau lah bila mungkin boleh ulang dari awal movie ne..

Friday, August 19, 2011


hdok : hospital duchess of kent where i been posted as house officer for almost 10months far i can remember it was begin with full of fear and stress.however im bless to be here with wonderful people around we were talking about ho who end up quit as ho..not geeting transfer to other hosp but end the carrier for good.really for good??its not sumthing new to hear about,but yet i believe if its happening here it all about the ho itself.well its ok!!
its make me think more about if i'll really need a break..its all becoz of me myself.thinking of shift system with only 13 ho in my current dept...will i have courage to do so??bt hw abt my matter than?? is gettin tougher as im gettin younger ..ahaakkzz

Mobile Blogging from here.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


im sure everyone have their own plan and aim in this do i..event though im not so sure either things that im planning for would be the best for me or it just not more than " angan2" .. aim to do mrcog which yet im failed to read or study ..funny!!damn lazy! planning to run away again either for futher study or myb at least for somtimes sumwhere to do other things or just cont my medical field as how it that mean i need more hard cash for there is anythg out there tht i can invest or do to earn more $$ for now??

too much things to do with little $$,litte energy..courage itself not enough for all those " angan2" . boleh tak saya jadi lebih bertuah??emmm a moment when i wish timewould fly faster than anything...

suci kan lah hati ini dah permudahkan lah perjalanan ini

Deal @ nuffnag

clik click here DeaL...Some of u might looking for gorgeous kaftan..there is more2 deal u can get there..dont forget to click more on my nuffnang..

so how did u deal with ur day today?i hope everyone out there keep on smile and having wonderful day with wonderful people around.

nothing much to share today other than to confess that im counting days and looking forward for "raya " the same time i keep on telling my self to be just fine and stay clam to tru this wild and un real life..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

suka atau takdir

ada kah saya suka sesuatu yg sukar yg susah atau pub itu takdir yg memang sudah tertulis buat diri ini??
menyalahkab takdir kah? tidak juga.cuma kecewa kerana terasa sgt kesukaran perjalan hidup ne.berusaha tapi masa nya blm tiba.
saya berdoa semoga saya juga akan jd lagi tabah.saya rindukan mama saya yg sentiasa memahami kesukaran ini.saya juga berasa bertuah wlpn idup personal saya amat sukar utk d gambarkan!!bertuah kerana saya masih ada mama yg sygkan saya.saya ada pendengar yg baik.
saya redha seandainya saya memerlukn cuti rehat yg panjang..saya juga tahu masa ada lah segala2nya..
saya tidak suka tapi terpaksa akur.
semoga saya d berkati sentiasa.amin

Tuesday, August 16, 2011



did u guys out there watched this movie " KHURAFAT" ??before this the only reason i wanted to watch this movie coz of shamsul..opss actually coz of my friend anwar who is shamsul's he involved direct and indirectly for ths movie and this song..yet i missed to watch this movie at cinema!!oh no..y ahh?coz im in sandakan who did not show this movie..WTH sad..again i miss this movie even i was in kk by the time..end up i jst bough the original dvd..ok lah..well yes i can say i like the movie..its really show real life and things tht happening around the same time im sure there must be more interesting part tht been cut..well its stil okey..and now im watching khurafat series brought by tv3..again i would say that i like it too :)

i alwz hope i could some day represent a real muslim..opss oleh itu jgn lupa tengok jejak rasul di tv 3 setaip hari 630pm..itu juga menyentuh hati saya...selama 6 thn saya d russia before ne tetapi tidak berkesempatan untuk bersama2 russian muslim..myb kerna lokasi saya bukan d area yg bnyk muslim..btw saya bangga dengan muslim d russia :)

semoga kita semua di berkati amin :)


di tengah2 hari bulan puasa..sempat tengok astro ria...kira movie tajuk " kayangan" ..ada faizura berlakon and entah siap lah lagi yg lain2 tu..cerita ala2  org biasa and kerabat2 raja..emm partially mcm cerita karut..well boleh menyentuh hati sikit lah..wah2...tak sampai tahap emo..

emo secara diam ada lah perkara biasa lah juga..cuma org kata wah so strong lah u ..wah strong muscle kah?myb lah kan..muscle d jantung ne mcm sudah partially rosak gitu..if org kata saya juga akan kata saya nampak cool and baik2 saja..ada juga yg akan tak percaya apa yg saya lalui...diri sendiri pun tak percaya okey..ada masa nya rasa sgt penat...ada masa mcm nak erase partially memory ne..

tak sabar rasa nya nak fast foward masa..saja2...tapi tak mau jd tua lah kan for foward nak tau lah kan after this either i'll remain in medical field, able to go for futher study..where i'll be..wah berbungga nya hati...menghargai masa yg d lalui skrg...tapi lagi happy kalau saya tahu saya lagi berjaya dari hari..dan saya ah the best :) amin..amin..saya yakin hidup itu adil..

Sunday, August 14, 2011


bila perasaan mixed ..ia akan jd sgt tidak best..sama ada ini kerana hormon yg inbalance atau memang kerna hati yg ndak best.perasaan tension..perasaan seperti ingin swing tangan ne ke muka org yg berkenaan..perasaatn yg sgt sukar utk d gambarkan..menjadikan hari pagi ahad yg suram..jd mls utk berckp..jadikan aku rindu rumah..rindu my mom..dia lah insan yg memahami perasaan ini..terasa benar mau lari and lari dari routine hidup yg bosan mahu jjadi apa kah aku?buat seketika ini menahan2 rasa tuk tidak jd manusia yg bodoh..utk tidak jd seperti most of the bitch out there..sukar memujuk diri sendiri..tertekan seperti emm seperti berada d bawah/ d atas paras tekanan bumi ( ???) sehingga tidak mampu utk berfikir apa sebenarnya yg di cari d hidup ini..kekayaan?kebahagiaan?kesederhanaan?kejayaan tahap dewa?mana satu??setiap inig membawa erti and perjalanan yg berbeza...kerna itu ndak mampu nya lah aku membuat perhitungan..benci nya lah!!utk org2 yg memprovoke perasaan yg ndak best ne im believe u will get pay cash by God asap..

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

11th ramadhan

 Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesebelas
  • Ia meninggal dunia di dalam keadaan bersih dari dosa seperti baru dilahirkan
if u commence tarawikh tonight on th 11h ramadhan insyaalh some day when u died you will be as just like a newborn baby :) am

dear friends as reminder for me myself and everyone out there, its an opportunity to take the advantages for ibadah during ths holy month :) still somtimes i m still acting so unfaithful when ever there is some annoying things happening to me..masyaalh...sometimes i still feel its seems like so unfair for me to go thru this kind of life..well well again muhasabah diri itu ada perlu..look out there, and try to compare how luxury and how lucky we are to be here in malaysia other than palastin and 3rd world country who are struggling for living. lets pray for them..doa for every muslim in ths world.amin..

so lets dunt be unfaithful person :)
on top of it pls2 pls clink on my nuffnag adv.thnx 

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

10th ramadhan

still having on and off stomach cramp.nasib apa lah d bulan2 puasa nei  lah pulak kan mcm ne..sahur for today just  a glass of water and few pieces of thamar.alhamdullilah.routine begin as usual to hospital and thinking of where to park..:( dislike it. well today i bought another jampi serapah tht i hope could erase my eye bag..CUCUMBER EYE PADS

lets give it a try and waste another $$ another thing that im looking for is sumthing that can make me grow more matured and erased away all my well can show my path way..either i should remain here or i should as soon as possible go as far as i can either to do sumthing else or futher my not scared to even start my life as below than ordinary level. :) 
my entry kinda mixed up few things as my emotion kinda mixed and still full with one word " WHY " .i wonder and i hope this holy month could make me more clam and find all the answers for ths life :) amin 

Monday, August 08, 2011


there is so many question if sentences begin with word WHY.coz those sentences will end with question mark " ?".so there is a task to fine an answer for it.pheeewww..why does it matter ??coz today it just an extraordinary usually after sahur .( after drank any hot drink) i'll choose to continue my dream, eventho usually i'll end up wake up due to stomach ache and yezza i'll feel its seems like i need to go toilet..but today its just so so severe..mcm diarrhea mcm juga mixed with " sengugut " sympt before getting period.which its very rare happen to me.decided not to go work as it could change my mood and as well so not comfortable..just msg my friend, while other msg for my Mo remain pending..aiseh tak tersend pulak.back to so sad again my period pending ..not so bad yet lah still regular but why lah lari calculation ne?ayaaaa!!stress kah aku?rasa nya tak juga?sebab puasa kah?merepek pulak..opss ya myb coz my diet aka my timing for meal jer yg berubah again question arise.bgs juga if can fasting for the whole ramadhan month..but not with this pain..masyaalah..bnyk nya dugaan d bulan puasa ne kan ..i called up my HOD and told him im taking emergency leave..wah nasib tak d marah lah kan :) buat2 charming dulu :) :P another issue pulak..i found out my face so so so dull and my eye bag just gettin in few years time i'll even gettin worse than current condition..omg.omg..wat is the best thing to do ?? Should i just find other job tht wont require me become zombie??lets think of it .......

Sunday, August 07, 2011

ramadhan al mubarak

eid mubarak to all muslim around the great full we are to be able to celebrate this holy moth that insyallh could bring us more happiness and gratitude toward Allah S.W.T.Amin.
its been awhile kinda abundant my blog..:) bck to im celebrating ramadhan in sandakan for the first time as HO.i tot its gonna be bored and killing my soul deeply..well im such lucky to b in orthopedic dept :)
there is a moment i feel so lonely breaking fast at home alone with my kitty orev..well i think the other ho doing the same too,at least went to bazar with other friends too.i love bazar ramadhan~~ :) just love it..
still able to commence solat terawikh here..thank GOD. :) otherwise nothing much different comparing to my previous ramadhan.. :) as my first year to celebrate raya after get title DR ( yukss ) and tarra i dunt feel excited about baju raya no time to event measure my baju raya..hantar jak contoh.kata jahit d labuan kan. shopping  kain pun ala least i still able to choose by myself.and yes able to belanja my mom baju raya and my other siblings.event tak semewah mana pun..if before ne my mom in advance or my love one will choose for things survival..fully dependent ..hahah ya kah..bukan upah baju yg berjela2 itu d taja oleh mr M..hahah thank u my dad..of coz dia pun tau anak nya ne nama jak sudah kerja tetap juga ndak kecukupan setelah mati membyr kereta,road tax and damn insurance :)
i just cant wait for my cuti raya ..