Friday, January 08, 2010

YeAr 2009 cLOSING aCCount

i just feel like gain back my energy to write here...what should i write first my  year 2009 conclsuion or my new year story?
well i guess i shuld make a closing for year 2009 1st.
i feel year 2009 fly so fast ..really2 fast..coz it seems like the day i celebrate new year 2009 back in Uk just a few  months back ago.but the fact its alrdy 12months ago~~wow..

janury2009: celebrating new year around UK...nothingham,bermingham,manchester and london
thn fly back to malaysia celebrating my cousion afiq "s big day

febuary: started my 2nd semester 5th year..i guess nthg much important tht day..rather thn i was saying bye2 to all my lovely friend mummy yen and chombi as them bck to msia for good~~mau jd dr sudah tu time tu

march: nothg interesting..all same old story

april : Volgo games intervasity among malaysian student around russia..well team won gold medal for futsal..wat a great revange after bad story a year before..well all are happend for reason

may: atra clear all miss classes..

june: xm mode..xm time..and 19th june i guess i alrdy flew off to msia ...cant really remember!!

july/august: summer break + attachment at Queen Elizebeth kk, was great oliday even tho most of my time still away from my love and family~~yay!!

september : month tht i wont be happy wit coz it a month tht i hav to fly bck to russia!!every time the fellin dosent feel more thn sour and worst thn bitter~~but this time i dunt hv so much pressure coz i knw insyallh itwill be the  finale one!!
and wat im in final year alrdy??wah tak percayanya

okt/nov/: all same story again

dec: emmmm same all birthday and gettin older~~thnx for the big present frm my family..well no boday wanna uplod the pic for me..nvm..
and end of year 31st dec was sumwhere in moscow ...:))

conclusion : i dunt really feel like it end of just so relaxing year for me~~even there were up and its normal..