i feel like i dont have time either for myself nor to accomplish my thgs.still not done unpack my stuff.still my room just look the same..i will do at least sumtg today..no matter how..hehehe
im damn lazy to drive now adays.bt my works seems like part time driver..bawa mama beli itu ini lah..whoch most of them brg2 my grandma yg perlu d beli..haruskah beli hari2?baik kita borong kedai2 d labuan ne..org gaji d rumah sana tu memang org gaji bertuah..pemls..masak pun mls..kemas pun ala kadar..beli brg p kedai pun ndak mau..baik kamu ndak payah kerja..
im started getting bored here..its a bad sign for me..i guess i should continue my mission to transform my room becoming transformer room.ayooo...today gonna be another day which will make my head twisted 360 degree..even tho im jobless now it dosent mean i have notg to do..bunch of bored thgs awaiting for me..buekkk...
i wish all ths extra exazerating thgs will over soon..amin
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
unsettle thgs
Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
hatii berbunga2
kenapa kah hati berbungga tat kala confrm jd penganggur tidak bergaji skrg ne?hehehheheh dengan cuaca panas and hujan ..hati tetap berbungga..wlpn dlm hati masih lagi sesak dengan unpack yg tidak pandai hbs2.coz rasa nya mau clear my room first before hbs kan semua unpack..sakit mata memandang bilik comel ne yg penuh dengan brg2..ayooo tu lah kan beli brg ndak tengok2..heheh but yet tetap happy.baju baru yg d oder selama dlm temph 6 -9 bulan memang bnyk.heheh happy2..belum lagi dengan beg collection yg d bawa balik dari russia and yg memang baru d angkut balik dari bercuti2 russia..dan dengan present dari my love one and my dad memang able to make me smile mcm iklan moooo dulu2..hehehhe
kasut lagi belum sampai rumah ne..ala cepat lah sampai..and my kitten lagi blm selamat balik msia..faster2 cheqa waiting for u guys here..:)
currently my head keep on thinging ayoooo how lah to work later..mls nyer..mahu goyang kaki saja..thinking of how can i get money to pay tax for my car..aprox around 40k rm plus..uhuk2..derma2 ah sikit yer
plan for today jd driver @ supir to my mom
p/s : ada story2 panas mau kongsi sikit saya sangt panas sama org ne yg kira2 alim tapi sama saja pun pakai tudung kalau kasi2 tunjuk juga ur hair and aurat sama yg bukan muhrim jgn mau act like u alim gila okey..( tidak d tujukan kepada org2 yg baru mau start2 pakai tudung lah..coz i thk if i juga yg mau mula guna akan jd mcm tu juga ) tapi kes ini kepada yg all ths while mcm2 alim tahap dewa and act like one..but infact bikin panas saja.
tapi itu saja mau kasi panas cerita hari ne coz skrg sejuk skit hujan
Posted by DefadaPooh at 6:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
fever bola
memang tak best tengok bola pagi2 buta ne..skrg ne rindu terngok bola d russia coz timing ws just nice.ptg and paling lmbt pun jam 10pm..huhu..brazil punya pasal i still awake now for them..uhuhukk..so far score 2-0..great..
tonight was a great night ...dating after 10 months apart feel sooooooo different..hhehehe..mengengada..;p
sgt rindu selama ne sampaui ndak berenti pot pet pot pet..evento s lil bit ssd coz next month he will leaving to india and dubai for a lil while but be cool...coz nw im here for good.if last time he will never fly anywhere if im around..but this time is for mamali's weeding ( his friend)...so just let him go..and on top of it boleh pas kan sonyvaio cute moleh ne utk d touch up d dubai,..hehhee....
p/s : attn time tengah tiping2 ne minit ke 59 brazil scor lagi gol ke 3..great..hehehhehe
ok lah everyone..keep on wacthing fifa world cup but jgn sampai jatuh sakit atau stress..hehehhe...
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:47 PM 1 comments
masih lagi timing russia..:P
sudah dlm 2 hari d lbn..hari2 bgn awal..mcm mana mau berehat ne..bgn awal coz baby2 menjerit d rumah my grandma..binggit..d rumah pulak bgn jam 6am ..ayoo hntr my lil bro school.emmm wat a great day..yet my head masih binggung2 mau masuk tidur pun susah2..
so far yet my head so sleepy..
so far my day memang tak ada apa2..tidur tengh hari..bgn ptg p clinic..round2 kereta baru..hehhehe..overall i like to feel free this day :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 3:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Home sweet Home
safely landed in labuan on the 26th june 2010 around 9.20pm..the feeling was sooo different when i just hthat im home forgood now..on the way bck all the way during the flight i was keep on thinging how thgs gonna be..how it will feel like..and im ready for the worst..:) but so far im happy for evertg.eventho right after landed has to go to my grandma house and stay there..but it so worth.sambutan kecil2lan tapi half of my important family memebers was there..thank u every one..love the flower..and doa hajat and doa tolak bala harap di makbulkan..a few days ago sumthing bad was happend at my grandma house..but as long as everyone safe it wat more important :) amin
big suprise on the next day after my arrival was really2 touch me..thnk my dear for the flower,cake and the lovely prresent..love it ..muaxx..muaxx..muaxxx..
and another big suprise from my dad..heheheh really touch by tht..love the Car..really comfort ..:)
ucapan2 selamat kemabli dari kawan2 lain juga amat d hargai :)
p/s : will update abt my last trip soon..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
fast entry..
16th june 2010
nikitskaya street
Still awake just to update my blogs..wow..not really actually..i just done cooking nasi beryani and ayam goreng for bekalan tengah hari esp for my parents and my lil bro..they will landed in moscow aprox around 2.20pm local time.yay..cant wait for it..i feel lonely ths few days when other parents are alrdy arrived while my parents masih lagi belum2 muncul tiba..but bgs juga lah i can settle my uni thiging and all my interview dengan tenang..i found out tht every day waking up early and going out and settle all thgs..damn it!!but yes end up all thgs done..just have to wait for the graduation~happy2 day..another thgs tht made my day today was : yes my name entitle to get an certificate as one of the most active and successful student in sports ( perasan)..hahahha well i dunt get the Dean list..far away from it anyway... :)) and another thg : was having great early dinner with my lovely2 futsal mate ..love u all gurls..hope there is another opportunity again for us to meet up again and kicking the ball!!YAY!
okey will write more abt my past interview ..but overall it was OK Easy..Luck was really on my side :))
doakan semoga journey dan segala2 nya selamat..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Extremly bad day
my mission to send my kitten back FAIL..stupid Thai airways..stupid bangkok- kl connection..damn it..7 kittens stranded today. petty thm..sudah lah cuaca panas kan.few hours trying to figure out things..and to sort it out..calling there n there..even till get an small orientation about how the warehouse a cargo procedure and etc..i guess Mr Igor just tried to kill some times..so so so so sad u knw..btw still hoppung for 18th june..bt few thgins has to redo like renew the export permit..get notary for petition ( coz guna via org lain untuk hantar kucing for declaration in moscow nnti).kena ada Notary u knw..plus copy passport plus CTC.damn leceh kan.dengan hampanya balik lah ke kursk..
too much of cabaran and benda2 yg tak betul jd hari ne.form small things to medium to big2 things..so so so feed up..antara beberapa yg menyakitkan ate dan menabahkan ke susahan urusan di sini when i just get to knw tht actually my parents gonna landed in moscow on the 16th instead of 15th..astaga..yg beli and booked ticket ne memang makan telur bnyk sgt!!dah ckp lama dari dulu kan 15th from KL..MEAN 15TH JUNE JAM 2AM FLIGHT..BUKAN 15TH JUNE JAM 5AM FROM LAiBUAN....~~omg geram2..geram2..mean less thn in kursk for them..rushing day for my graduation..rushing for packing...and rushing to leave kursk for next destination..kenapa kah org yg pandai ne lagi bijak sana ne buat tikect mcm ne!!marah and sedih yg sampai nangis okey..just too tired to figure out another plain..since my kitten thinging unsettle..buat notary and export permit bukan benda yg indah!! sungguh sakit2 ate.berusahalah kamu semua settle kan hal ticket ne..esok pagi jgn lupa confrm kan..TU LAH KAN DEGIL ORG KATA BIAR JER ORG BUAT SENDIRI GUNA AGENCY YG KENAL AND LAGI CEKAP..NAK BUAT HARAP ORG KAT OFFICE TU SENDIRI..JD NYA KAN..JDNYAKAN BUAT SALAH!!SALAH FEMAHAMAN ADA LAH KERNA MAKAN TALUL BANYAK SGT.
org2 yg suka buat sakit ate pun membuatkan ate and mencari2 sakit ate hari ne..bodoh sial!!memang rasa mcm ndak jd demam semua benda goes wrong..bodoh okey!!memang marah tahap dewa..sudah lama tidak marah ne..esok interview apa jd pun jd lah..tak kuasa mau baca apa2..mampus lah..
for those yg mencari pasal and mengada2 tu kan i wish your day esok akan jd most hilarious day in ur life!serious shitz
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Do Sony is my faith?
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Finale day for my kitten in kursk
tonight @ early morn around 1am will leaving to Moscow ..journey will take about 8 hours from Kursk.
kinda sad and surely gonna miss both of them Orev and Hearty..:)
i hope all thgs will be smooth and bez problema..:insyallh..will hiding back to kursk again once all the procedure done ..i need to reach kursk back asap..SPA interview are waiting for me on the 14th of June 9am.davai..
today kinda of tiring day..do there n there and there..latest experience was : learn how to predict and read the football gambling..since its legal here so nothing to worry about..no one will ambush and so on..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
My dream
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
another rongeng day bersama my kitten2
again woke up around 9am..shower.main sama kucing and breakfast and settle all online transaction and ready2 to bring my kittens to vet and to sumwhere over the rainbow just to declare them and get certificate for export them bck to msia..ayooo another pening day..aprox it cost me 3kRM to ship them bck to msia.plus all logistic and etc2..hope they will stay healthy alwz. my kitten just almost same value for LV bag.. :)) so they gonna be my handbag!! haahhaah
i heard to day at 4pm there will be a graduation rehearsal ~gosh..i dunt feel like im really relaxing after my xm..it jst tht my brain are rest but physically NO!!Packing..cleaning..cleaning...baking..coooking ( opss blm ada masak lagi for ths whole week)..ayoooo need to buy groceries lagi..need to ready myself to go mosocow to send my kitten off ths saturday midnight frm kursk..basically no rest till i'll reach msia~~ :)but im happy for it..perhaps i can lost my weight and fat!! :))
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:53 PM 0 comments
hari merongeng
bgn awal pagi yer.wlpn sudah hbs xm~~seawal 8.30am..aiyooo so not me....bngn awal just untuk hantar sample "stool" kucing to clinic haiwan sini..nasib baik boleh byr org lain jak hntr~~
jam 10am dah p uni..damn awal nyer p uni~~sign transcript ~~wah dr dah aku!!tak percaya..masih2 tak percaya...thn after dari uni legar2 sana sini buat document itu ini lah..thn patah p hostel ambik brg2 yg selama ne d longongkan d hostel..so pilih2 mana yg mahu~~ :) balik rumah jap..ingat mau makan..well kena buat urusan online dan on the air..call moscow aport and all.uruskan kucing pulak kan..byr itu..ini~~emmmm tau2 dah hampir jam 1pm..alamak kena p uni lagi!!ada meeting graduation lagi..bla2.bla2.bla2..ok ok our ceremony will be held at klcc convocation hall...thn ok dah dah dah nak jm 2pm..kena p evropah ne..nak p saloon~hari untuk mengcolor2 rmbut~~oh tidak lagi rambut berkarat2 ....cuma mau kasi chocolate~~asian color :P ..mau ndak mau kena potong jg sikit2 my hair ne..coz memang rusak pun kan..recomended to do hot scissor untuk mls rambut bercbg2 ne..emm well if di msia ndak ada pulak ne..emm tp mls mau buat..ndak pa lah buat treatment d msia je lah ya..

Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
cikit jak lagi~~
6tahun d kursk,russia memang satu tempoh yang lama ..ada kawan2 lain dah 2 kali graduate :) dalam tempoh ne mcm2 berlaku...terlalu banyak..even apa yg berlaku dalam diri sendiri pun cukup hebat~~berjuta2 lemon..wat i learn here is how to managed my anger..how to hold my frustration and how to ignore and etc2.untuk mejaga erti persahabatan kekadang itu akan memakan hati sendiri..ada juga segelintir manusia d sini yg agak pelik yg hanya akan pikirkan untuk diri nya sahaja..yg lebih kurang mcm ne lah " kalau untuk dia semua ok betul boleh walaupun org lain dapat effect , but org lain tak bole buat dia mcm tu akan jd salah" ..immunity juga mengajar erti ignore and hentam balik jika perlu...well tht life in ths weired Kursk.
lately i just dont have any interest to fight back..or to be mad but jst take it as sumthing bitter and add bit of sugar thn telan saja lah kan..i can imagine if wat happened to me lately ( yg sgt2 latest lah kan pasal xm..and etc2..) sure perasaan mereka akan berkata2 juga )..tipu lah kalau org yg beriman tinggi mana pun itu tak "terasa" and etc2..but itu bukan issue di sini.issue nya cuma saya tidak berminat untuk semua benda2 seperti ini..coz for me friendship should alwz remain there and never end even though our journey in kursk almost toward the ending..manis and pahit itu semua kenangan dan asam garam ikan goreng hangus sepanjang menjadi student,sahabat dan teman d sini.
terasa tercuit itu sendiri2 mau tau lah kan
cuma di kesempatan ini halalkan lah yg termakan terminum dan terapa2 lah sepanjang perkenalan d kursk ini..semoga kekal selamanya..6 tahuan bukan 6 hari..bukan 6 bulan..tapi 6 kali raya yg kita raikan bersma2 bersama..semua groupmates ku..kwn2 rapat semua..semua ada lah my small family d sini dan selamanya..
Love on the air..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 3:08 PM 1 comments
everything over..
Dr..everyone calling ech other Dr..surrounded by other New hot stuff Dr just feeling sooooo relaxing!!Exam just over..yes we all did it..all my batch mate..all my group mate..yay we did it!!6years and some of them 6years (+ 1 year pre medical ) congratz..reach home relax a bit and than started packing again~~..
im happy!!!so so so so so so so happy even though tht mean the hell world just cant wait to welcome me!!ayoo HO..HO..Ho life.nvm..wat to do..tht wat i choose..so takes wat ever it is..ready to gamabteh.i will take a small break and just stay at home++ reading again and again..at the same time i just cant wait to make over my room back home~~to cheer up my day and life!!
nekad to begin new life right after take off from moscow to kuala lumpur!!!insyallh..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Time up
esok xm..semua tak hbs lagi..belum hbs study..belum habis revise...sorry lah cikgu social med if esok tak terjawap calculation itu :)) memang tak ada makana nya benda ne for my future :) well everyone pray for my xm... cheers |
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 07, 2010
gosh speaking of fear.to much of things that im sacred of rite now either for what in present now and something that waiting for.firs of all i'll seat for my last and finale task exam this coming Wed. scared..till now im not yet started for the social medicine ( totally nonsense minor subject that included for state exam!!), there will be another subject : surgery, internal medicine and obstetric that gonna be in task format ( there will be situation given and student has to make diagnosis, differential diagnosis, investigation and treatment ) ..part yg paling best setiap subject kena jumpa dengan Dr lain2.phew..all professor will be there :(( pediatric will be there too but wont be in task form..
another fear soon awaiting for me is "Work as HO" ..emm even i never miss summer attachment before..but attachment and Working is 2 different things.i hope i'll be able to cope up with working situation..so far mandakz semua survive..so i hope i'll be just fine as them ....scared..mandakz sekalian yg baru HO or yg sudah mau hbs HO sana jgn lupa teach me oh!! :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:45 PM 0 comments
no one would like to fall sick rite?sudden fever pas balik dari xm memang tak best.ada major and the last m ths wed.ayooo..benci oh.dah la semlm migrane satu mlmm..hope xm satu ne pun akan OK..ok lah nk rest.sorry for bored entry.cheers
Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 06, 2010
List for my graduation present
Here list that i want :
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:04 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Ring ????
saturday is my fav day in russia...no matter either having class nor not.well there is no more class for me..im not student anymore..opss yet there is still 2 exam are waiting for me. woke up kinda early for me around 9am and read few pages and than fall a sleep again for a little while..but its not peak of the story for today..:)
i went to Gloria ( cat's club@ association in kursk ) where most people go to buy,to register or even just to cuci2 mata for lovely kitten.There wont be charming and cute2 kitten every weekend but once you hit the right weekend than that it..miaw.miaw.. i went there just to get sort of like recommendation letter to export my kitten back to malysia so than i can avoid the tax. :)
than i went to villa ( not mansion) but a supermarket just to grab few litter of juice for our usrah ( small group of muslimah ). this week is our last usrah for this semester as finale for me :) gonna miss of them as they are just my small family here :) we were having solah hajat and of course makan2 event and follow by lepaking.
while waiting for cab at villa i was eying on one jewelry shop..opss i fall in love with one ring.ehemm..ehem...i think i cant resist on it.It just simple and have some Russian words there.and i just dont have so much time left to come back again to grab that ring so OK..please forgive my self.i just in love on it :)PRICE?i guess i just do not bother to know :)

Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 04, 2010
Jalan2 cari makan chapter Kursk
Hello everyone..happy June.I m just too happy to To Mr June..event though Mr June kinda full of stress for final state exam.But yet there is Big thing Mr June could bring for me = Graduation ,vacation and Mr June will send me back to Malaysia for good!!yay~~~ ( click2 my Nuff nang yer)
As how much i love spring and summer i would definitely enjoying pinky2 fruit season.Cherry and Strawberry are everywhere at the wet market @ know as Rinak in Russia. This is not my first entry about fruits but that day cherry has not yet in the market. Price for cherry per kg are varies from 250-260roub = 30-31RM / Kg. it will getting cheaper by mid of July if not mistaken even can be just around 180-200roub/Kg.
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:01 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Mars and Venus on a Date
pernah baca buku ne? buku ini consist of a guide for navgating the 5 stages of dating to create a loving and lasting relationship.so far i done read through the book but no for every single page.its kinda interesting. :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Berita Hari Ini
Hello kawan2.How are you everyone??Lets click2 on my Nuff nang .sudah berubah tempat nya now ya..on top of my page on the right side..( so senang untuk d capai yer :P)
isi kandungan berita :
pagi ne bangun awal ..wow awal sgt lah tu kan..bukan kerana rajin sgt..tapi kerna semlm ter zzz awal..kepala pening and hypotension pulak..s so so jadi lah memalaskan diri.ingat kan tidur kejap..rupanya2 sampai lah subuh sini..oh no..ada surgery practical xm and yet belum habis prepare..but hasilnya hari ne lain d harap lain yg dapat.dapat cikgu yg sgt poyo pulak!!damn it!!tak mau cerita tu lah..
hari ne p eropah ( bukan jalane europe!!) ni d kursk nama supermarket @ mcm milimewah mcm tu lah..:)) kalau utk standard org2 semenanjung msia pulak ..emm kira mcm kedai apa ne ekk?emm normal supermarket bukan Giant market ..senang semua ada sana ..harga pun ok lah..murah2 ler..tapi murah2 pun..just bough some basic stuff bukan brg makanan pun..shampoo.my lotion and etc..emmm caffeine opss i mean Nescafe Gold keperluan semasa xm ne..and air2 sejuk ...dan tidak membeli choclate at all diet kunun nyer..but sub sab..sub sab total .roub 890= rm 95+...seriously value for rm 100 just like nothing here once u go shopping around. i really appreciating nilai ringgit setiap kali balik msia..and now i just cant wait to be back for good..for how long no body knows..but for sure i'll be back for good now..
cerita seterusnya ini dia :
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Therapy practical over~~
BEFORE BACA SILA CLICK ON MY NUFF ( sana bawah page atas playslist ) okey..tx
i dunt knw y i was kinda scared and at the same time not scared at all..ceh rasa ilmu cukup d hujung jari ker cik kak?hahahha not really...tidak tahu apa yg d tahu and tidak tahu apa yg tidak d tahu juga ada lah syndrome2 exam..but even tho subuh hari ne subuh gajah ( which i dunt knw why few of mt friend called it this way mean subuh yg d hujung2 masa..) my alarm just not helping me at all..i guess coz last nite kinda hardly to sleep..ayoo selalunya pantang oh tidur2 ne..confrm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz teruzzzz..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:21 AM 0 comments