saturday is my fav day in matter either having class nor not.well there is no more class for not student anymore..opss yet there is still 2 exam are waiting for me. woke up kinda early for me around 9am and read few pages and than fall a sleep again for a little while..but its not peak of the story for today..:)
i went to Gloria ( cat's club@ association in kursk ) where most people go to buy,to register or even just to cuci2 mata for lovely kitten.There wont be charming and cute2 kitten every weekend but once you hit the right weekend than that it..miaw.miaw.. i went there just to get sort of like recommendation letter to export my kitten back to malysia so than i can avoid the tax. :)
than i went to villa ( not mansion) but a supermarket just to grab few litter of juice for our usrah ( small group of muslimah ). this week is our last usrah for this semester as finale for me :) gonna miss of them as they are just my small family here :) we were having solah hajat and of course makan2 event and follow by lepaking.
while waiting for cab at villa i was eying on one jewelry shop..opss i fall in love with one ring.ehemm..ehem...i think i cant resist on it.It just simple and have some Russian words there.and i just dont have so much time left to come back again to grab that ring so OK..please forgive my self.i just in love on it :)PRICE?i guess i just do not bother to know :)

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