here are few latest picture of my little cat Hearty and some other new kitten in the house...opss i mean kitten club ya.its belong to my lovely friend here in kursk..and my housemate Diana she just bough a kitten as well last so so ..i hope i will get another kitten soon..
my hearty : kena grooming..bulu nya sangkut sana sini..coz dia ndak suka kena sikat..mcm mana tu?heehehe friend, farhana just bough her about a week..:)

apil tidur ada gaya beb..

apil and abbi

apil again..cute yer..background purple ..hahaha poyo

belum ada nama lagi ne..belongs to my my housemate this little kitten..Damn Cute!!!
so cute :)
thnx :)
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