Tuesday, March 02, 2010

StOrY From heart store...:) i am..since few days i was keep on finding the perfect way to write sumthg tht truly from deep my heart..But there were alwz distruction and bla2..and tody after 'small" break from study ..and guitar hero..thn here i am ..speel out sumthg tht after so long stuck in my mind.
Yeah im sure it such an damn real universal word tht everyone LOVE to use.:P
L.O.V.E bring varies definition and story behind that little tiny one word.
here i wanna share some LOVE story of mine..
people who i love are : my mom,my dad,my siblings tht i called as " happy 3 family", did u eva watched happy 3 friend??
 thn u will knw why we are like tht..haahhahaha..benci2 sayang bah...marah2 pun sayang..
there is classic love story..abt how my dad mate his gf..they met at high school lover..ehemm2..after my dad move to mixed school SMKL from st anthony after having some issue back at his old shcool which im not interested to share it was passed issue.:P and not important in ths Love story :)
my dad seems reallt deeply in love with his gf and they are get married in early yeah my dad married my mom lah..there was another reason why my mom married at early age,emmm coz my late grandma from my mom asked tht moment she suffered from chronic colon cancer@ any other intestinal part i m not so sure.and my mom said my late grandma really do look like her..eeee:)
i love my the only sister i have, Nana..who now are growing and become more matured :P
i love both of my lil bro boy who nw alwz accompanying me driving around in labuan, makan mcd,mkn ice cream malam2..hehehehhe..and chit chat of coz.
oh and my another lil bro who alwz neglacting when he abt to knw tht im abt to fly off to russiamy lil bro who i missed to see him growing..he jst abt 4 years old by the time im decided to study in russia and now he already  almost 10years old..
i cant wait to be with my family again..b with my siblings and having semi normal life back..after 6 years been apart.. im a big sister in the family and soon wow..i need to be independent and be 'sumone" in the family..moga2 di permudahkan semua nya.amin

how abt another LOVE Story of mine?
it sound awful sumwhere..hhhahahahha..but a true love tht i alwz pray and hope to get is Love from God who will never forgetting me no matter how my life was in the past,presently and in future.
another love im looking for is from sumone who can accept the way i am, accepting my family and respecting everythg n everytg

i wish my other family member as well could understand the value of Love.which cant be measure by $$$$$$$..kerna $$$$ tidak akan d bawa mati ke kubur ya..rezeki itu akan sentiasa terbuka and d murahkan lagi jika kita tidak lah sgt berkira/ kedekut and asyik berfikir $$$ and harta itu akan berkurangan jika d gunakan bersama dengan bijaksana..
$$$$ if foundation of life..BUT jika itu ada lah hak bersama maka jgn d gunakan sendiri..kerna itu lah ada nya zakat and etc..

p/s : sorry if there is some are out of topic..but it just cross of my mind..

dan apa2 lah yg patut and berkaitan dengan nya ada lah sesuatu yg mulia



NaruttoDMAX91 said...

hehehe....syok love story mu ni...sambil2 berstory sambil2 menyindir...wakakak...