date :18 march 2010
right now im promising myself tht after updating my blog insyallh i will get my mood to study .bnyk betul alasan if mau start reading and study. :) aishhh apa mau jd ne..mau jd kucing kah?emm tidak2 tidak2 mau jd kucing coz saya tidak tahan panas ( refer to my lil bro jef coz for his point of view siapa2 yg tahan panas and ndak suka ac tu mcm kucing.) so weired ..but my kiten ndak thn panas ahh..mereka suka salji bebeh!!hahaha
btw just now around 7.12pm local time i was feel so hungry and decided to cook other wise i will be in hunger mode and alasan utk makan lagi bnyk chocolate..oh no no it is not so healthy~~menu for today ( super duper simple just fried fish and fried eggs and rice) simple but yet delicious plusssssss kicap manis cap kipas udang dari malaysia..aaaaaa..yumie..yumie ..jgn kamu tais liur sana ahh ( jgn meleleh2 saliva ya )..
btw while cooking i was look out tru the window and the view just so amaze and remind me of my sister who used to call it as " bulan melimpang" mean lying @ hanging moon..hahahhahah..funny:

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