memandangkan kelas skrg juga bosan@ sgt relax..and bz dengan benda2 lain..obsess menaikan selera makan c kecik ku c Orev.Q.D...asiihhh baru jaga kucing terus bz bercakap pasal kucing saja dlm kelas..cikgu kuar kami pun gossip2 kucing..cara2 penjagaan kucing and etc..d angotai oleh ahli2 grupamte yg lain seperti : dila,kak hir..raziz,sarah..and juga fadzil yg menjadi antara paksa rela penjaga kucing..
ini semua ada lah symptom jika hanya kucing saja yg mampu utk d sayang d kursk ne...hahahhha..bukan loser yer..cuma tidak berminat dengan cerita2 drama lain d sini..keterlanjutan usia juga bukan factor kami obsess dengan kucing..:))
when ever i called or received call from my mom sure cerita juga abt kucing~~~emmmmmmmm we are cat lover...yay!!spending $$ for them juga satu kepuasan...wlpn ini menjadikan saya berjimat ( mcm betul!!) dan juga bgn pagi dengan active nya!!bgn pagi sebelum gosok gigi..kasi buat makanan my little orev dulu..bancuh itu2 ini.kasi mix itu ini..dan ensure dia suka makanan itu..buat susu..kasi panas susu....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dan juga kasi bersiah little box mereka..
balik rumah..emm kasi makan lagi...kasi vitamin lagi..emmmm jd sehat2 lah kamu semua ya wahai jantung,hati,pancrease,kidney ku dan apa2 lah yg setaraf dengan nya!!stay healthy!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
nothing interesting ..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day care for my Cat
and hearty pun sudah 5 bulan kemarin..genap 5 terlambat sudah utk vaksin anti tadi dia kena kasi vakin anti helmintic dulu.3 minggu lagi baru dtg bawa utk anti rabbies..and check sama vet d institut CXA ada lah free dan prof dia juga sgt peramah..
tapi vaksin and utk dapatkan pasport hearty kena juga pergi vet yg jauh tu..and d sana lah c orev kena check and telah di diagnosed congenital pathology ..emmmmm kira congenital bone development sumwhere around d trunk area..sad!!sad!!but i hope thgs wil be fine..
but so far mereka ini tak ada lah URTI : upper respiratory track infection..thank God..prescription for them : semua PO ( Per Os) tak perlu lah inject2..yes..senang ate : vitamin, antihelmintic for every ech 3 months and sera yg bgs utk elak kind of infection/ skin infection..emmmmm vitamin tu utk 1-2 long as utk kasi sehat apa2 saja lah..
orev gain bck his apettite juga after kasi ubat2 ne..herty mcm biasa lah..kuat makan..and kasi tukar daging for orev juga menjadikan selera menjadi up sikit..
ini lah ubat2 mereka
semoga mereka semua sentiasa sehat :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 6:37 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
i lost 1 hour!!
nothing so much great other than today as 4th week of march ( SUNDAY) is time where i lost 1 hour..coz saving time ( yer ker saving) agak2 nya begitu lah..coz all this while since winter.time different msia and russia was 5hours and now spring time where my day time will longer and super2 longer day by day till summer and therefore now time different between msia and russia only 4hours.
to avoid rasa tidak cukup tidur and mcm2 lah..i just dunt want to thk abt it..:P
i cant wait for the real spring..i love spring!!bunga akan mekar d sana sini~~~and tidak lama lagi can say bye2 kepada jacket winter itu.but probs juga ne..kuar rumah panas..kuar bangunan balik kelas tiba2 sejuk pulak!!delima!!and i feel like hey where is my spring jacket???kenapa mcm tiada ne...ada atau buat2 tiada..asiiihhhhhh MNG!!Dah lama berpuasa shopping since my europe trip..coz the more i shop here there more thgs i will tend to bawa balik msia..buat apa jacket2 ne..bukan nyer parents ku tinggal d europe atau akan berhijrah.but myb i will..but..but..asiihhhh ckp jer lah kan i nak jacket baru!!hahahahhaha..ok ok i thk i will buy sumthing seem blue ..biru laut itu ada lah warna spring i go...kasut biru pulak nak cari ne!! ala..mcm dah nak buka puasa shopping ne!!sabar lyn!!! ( conflict diri betul ) ala!!grad ne pulak nak guna duit~~esssshhhhh!!!! mcm mana ne!! TAPI KAN dah lama tak ada jacket baru!!
p/s : shopping juga ada therapy terbaik utk hati yg masih ada rasa masin2 ne wlpn thgs goes smooth and fine.but ada juga benda yg kena telan saja wlpn pahit..apa lah nasib ne..
shopping juga myb akan inspired me to study more and more~~tidak ikhlas ker study??essshhh teruk perangai..
btw yahhhhoooooooooooooo Spring time = diet
Posted by DefadaPooh at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
morning entry before afternoon :)
wake up and kinda silent.i feel the silent.but deeply im still greatful coz i m not yet abondent my kitten.siapkan makanan2 mereka..heatin up milk utk mereka~~vacuum my room coz telah d kototrkan oleh mereka juga
look at my phone and ok lah sms lah..since all thgs pun actually ok jer pun jst the air still berbacteria..kalau kena infection pun kena ambik antibiotic for 7days kan..apa lagi lah if rupanya2 ada virus..wah..kena lah + lagi antivirus : acyclovir.
but hw if its benign / malignant cancer..oh no!! gonna be long term treatment and satges ada lah seperti berikut : induction - consodilation - supportive therapy. aaaaaaaaaaa and secondary infection are tend to happen due to immunesuppression..
so i thk and i hope its not cancer!! :)
so hari ne jam 2.30pm ada handball traning!!yay>> hentam saja lah game ne!
jgn ikut hati tai ikut lah brain..think before taking any action..coz hati saya amat tidak betul..mulut dan hati dan brain tidak syncronize.itu ada lah kebodohan yg nyata!!hahah
so okey day will be jus fine..
thnx for concern and i do apreciated it..tht wat friend for who b there not just to laugh bt as well when u down as well..( maslyn im sure u are reading this ) ..hehehe :) i will eat more sweets jgn smpi gumuk lah kan..hehhehe
Posted by DefadaPooh at 1:26 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
Peace of Mind?
trying hard to keep this past few days and remaining days alive..after few days skipping class and God seems knw how i dunt want to skip and yay no atrabotka and no reworkclass for those miss classes!
wat im trying to tell myself tht life not alwz fine,there is up and down.and it just crush so badly this time after few years just living in nomral its become abnormal.langit tidak selalu indah.mendung hari ne mcm faham2 jer.wanna cry but just too tired to cry.
sumtimes i dunt wanna be myself who cry so much for internal@ personal matter.
sumtimes man are so MAN.n for them only man can make mistake.and only man deserved to be apologized and only man be able to change to a better MAN.
it dosent mean women are angle.yes of coz not.but no body perfect.women also deserved " foriveness"..N.B.!! dunt expect all human in this world are the same.ifanyperson example si A ever do "this" mistake and it dosent mean if si B doing "this/ tht" mistake because of same reason..
beliving and giving a chance to other party as well necessary.but its matter of time..either thgs will be better or faded away. i admitted im not perfect and i tend to make mistake and from mistake i learn this meaning of life.
dunt bother to ask wat is going on..just enough to knw im struggeling with my current situation...
kemalangan dlm kehidupan mcm sudah tersurat and tertulis buat ku..
time2 xm,d waktu critical lah semua prob rise up.while my state xm just around the corner there is a time when i feel those sound impossible!!!half way to give up all this..still im praying thgs gonna be just fine..trying harder..for wat?
bone marrow suppression
Posted by DefadaPooh at 4:54 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Wanita hari ini
day just so so so ..period pain yg menimpa kaum2 wanita/ perempuan as me memang tidak best..menjadikan rasa semua ndak kena..and pain ya..pain..!!!
pain usually become severe in morning and evening!!tp tidak sampai lead to pain shock and die!!masi boleh tahan2..?i guess sejak menjadi kurang active tidak seperti d waktu remaja2 hari2 lompat sana sini lari sana sini..tidak pulak sakit..boleh pulak maintain bersukan, even masuk tournament inter apa2 pun confrm yakin boleh.tidak masuk final or ndak menang tu bukan lyn @ bukan anak encik mazlan lah tu namanya!!hahahhaha perasan
skrg sudah tua kah saya?tidak!!confrm jwpn nya tidak
hari ne memaksa diri utk study and reading d hari2 tengah hari and time2 mls mcm ne..bgs jg tidak dpt download betty season 3 espisode 12 and seterusnya..dlm hati berfikir apa mau d download?bawa bersabar lyn!!!
skrg saya sudah rasmi menjadi pesawah berjaya ..kerna memakai kasut phua bukan kuning ahh..anda akan menjadi yakin utk berawah d zaman modern ini!!hahaha will be uploaded soon ah gambr2 itu..
cheers every one have great day
life getting beter if u able to keep smile and make ppl smile
Posted by DefadaPooh at 3:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
take 5!!
one more entry
mempersembahkan satu lagi kucing cute!!
belongs to Dila@dLa
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:17 PM 3 comments
Bacaan Bursa Saham Semasa oleh Bernama
perancangan masa depan..opps bukan lah masa depan sgt pun..perancangan esok..
mau p kelas kah tidak?belum study class esok..dah juga belum hbs reading for tomorw rework class for OBstetric..ala2 sure esok mcm pasar malam and sale.penuh berderet.ok i will be top 5 student to q. :))
thn after atra i wanna zzzzz ( awal nyer decided bila mau zzzz) coz i knw my sleeping time kinda ruin up tonite..tidur jam 7pm sampai 10pm ada lah tidak sesuai langsung!! :) drug itu sgt memeningkan dan menjadikan taking abt aspirin!! bukan dadah merbahaya!
seua kucing2 time ne sudah zzzzz..ala2 mereka ini sungguh tidak memberi sokongan moral
was on the phone wt nurul and it was kinda slight having analgesic effect.yes things happened kinda fast and beyond of control..personal matter?me?nah i dunt have any personal issue/ matter. so far kucing sehat, tak ada berita yg menusuk2 ate lagi selain daripada almost 2weesk ago my beloved cousion who i feel like my own brother has passed away.pergi yg tidak akan kembali lagi
dalam 2 bulan saja 2 hamba Allah dlm family ku pergi d alam yg kekal selamanya..kadang2 rasa percaya kadang2 tidak yg mereka sudah tiada.hari2 berharap ini hanya lah mimpi.. :) deeply i miss u abg acheq and azil
so other thn this issue semua masih ada bersama2 d bumi ne. :) alhamdulilah
mood swing~=pms ..aisehh..bocor let my blog thinking wat to think now? to ask for an apologize as well dosent a big matter for me no matter hw my ego is, coz tidak akan menyebabkan mana2 pihak miskin..unless lah ada compensastion seperti deposit rumah ker..kereta ker..or apa2 lah yg memang obviously im broke after my maybnk giving me a problem ( clam sama maybank lah !!)
well jika meminta maaf juga perlu ikhlas kalau tidak sma juga tiada maknanya.
a good friend as well yes who can accepting seadanya dan juga respect dah juga tulus di dlm tansaction ehh i mean dlm apa2 matter..
atra oh atra
p/s : atra/ atrabotka = rework class
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Laporan Cuaca Hari ini-kursk,Russia
yes i can feel spring!!! dengan into2 banjir jalan raya yg wet coz semua ais2 batu dan salji cair mencair..hope t2iada lah lagi snowing..
cepat lah masa berlalu..tidur bnyk2 pun masa mcm sama jak..hahahha kah jam ne hbs bettery.ala2 jam d rumah ne memang tak betul pun..:))
perasaan mls utk p kelas tu memang sudah lama menusuk2 kepala otak..ATTN LYN satu lagi atra yg msimpan dari last sem tu kena buat before 15th April..sem ne punya apa cerita?ala cerita sebelah mata jer lah!!
Orev my little kitten ne masih lagi jalan suka reverse.salah gear ker apa dia ne??2-3 ekor kucing ini sgt lah suka lah membuatkan pagi ku awal sgt..even tak mau bngn!!hhahahha..skrg ne mereka berlari ketepian d bilik ne..sampai lah ke pintu luar boleh buka sudah.ndak sudah sejuk sgt kan :)
but weather ne mcm sedative effect pulak to my brain...
winter = sleeping
spring= lazy and sleepy
summer = varies .....
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Foundation of friendship = ?
Friends,Friendship and apa2 yg berkaitan has their own definition & terms and regulation as if u wanna question them up while u having an history of betrayer or apa2 yg sekutu dengannya seperti tidak mahu mendengar nasihat abt benda2 yg lagi terang and bersuluhkan sport light..emm adakah anda masih judged yg terbagus??but perhaps may be YES..Coz i dunt have right and nit judging about this things..:) and yet belum lagi ada promosi besar2an coz for me utl apa promosi.
real friend will dare and brave enough to say anytg face to face rather thn back stabing.y?coz friend are preffer to talk to ech other other thn make an issue or havoc yer..
but mayb foundation of friendship juga berubah..and i m out dated..myb the principle nyer skrg mcm ne..if u rasa tal senang ate jd kita kena lah buat havoc or buat muka dulu thn heboh2 kan..daripada berbincag dulu as a friend..kita bincang secare stranger.and kita juga guna back up singer or back up speaker time buat havoc tu incase apa yg ndak d ckp tak terkeluar.and show innocent face so if org baut judgment u will look just fine.
and im feel sorry for myself coz my friendship's principle kinda outdated.
and back to basic for me if sumone said stop / or telling to shut up or anytgg tht causes distruction and if i still pekak and tuli surely there will be a consequences of it...
for me stil one friend will speak it out among ech other friend and friend rather thn publisity.
Posted by DefadaPooh at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Wonderful team ever
no more back to normal routine.yay..after so long at last there is a reason and its writen clearly " lyn u should just stay at home,eat,sleep and study if u want to " ..
not to cause more trouble for others are better thn im the causes for the not fit enough..cant run..cant get the its time to zzzzz..:) point finger to myself better thn balmin others :) dah tua nak buat mcm mana kan.
so life is life..whch sumtimes push us/ me to make decison accordingly.other are alwz right.
for the past 5 years playing games..from the basic team yg dulu2..sampai tinggal 2 "ketul" itu ayat nurul lah jak yg tinggl and today sekali lagi main d kursk..rasa sgt pressure.and jd lah mengimbau kenangan lama..yen,mandak,pp,chombi,CH,siapa lagi ahh?emmmmm crystal ada kah tht time..ala2 inda ingat..but i miss of of u!!current team as well juga bgs..bouding team juga bgs..cuma belum sampai tahap mcm cari jersy sampai ke section kanak2 adidas lagi lah..hahahhahehehe so here i would like to thanx everyone for being so nice to me and rock the training just not faith to me to play as there is alwz obstacle in it.
so gamabateh all of us..fight till the end
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Welcome HoM3 GoegoreV Q.D ( Queen Diamond )
Wat a good day today..end up managed to get Hearty's partner Geogorev Queen Diamond name dia Queen Diamond...she just about 6weeks old but body besar sudah.good..
i hope he will stay healthy~~nnti kita sama2 balik malaysia yer..muaxxx..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:32 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
GIGI@ StOMaToloGY World over~~
FRIDAY..yes i wake up pretty early..i guess it just coz my biological alarm just had enough power recharged yesterday.:P
somehow im happy to know tht there will be no class tomorrow...Say YES to saturday!! hopefully tomorrow i'll able to find my hearty 's partner.
This morning i came to class about 5 mints earlier..which it is bring so much different esp Morning time.. precious giler okey 5 mint in the morning.hehehe..and I was the first came to the class today..ala2..and the Dr went out for about 10-15mints sooooo here i was snap2 and snap2 few pics...otherwise i will fall a sleep while waiting for the others.

Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
date :18 march 2010
right now im promising myself tht after updating my blog insyallh i will get my mood to study .bnyk betul alasan if mau start reading and study. :) aishhh apa mau jd ne..mau jd kucing kah?emm tidak2 tidak2 mau jd kucing coz saya tidak tahan panas ( refer to my lil bro jef coz for his point of view siapa2 yg tahan panas and ndak suka ac tu mcm kucing.) so weired ..but my kiten ndak thn panas ahh..mereka suka salji bebeh!!hahaha
btw just now around 7.12pm local time i was feel so hungry and decided to cook other wise i will be in hunger mode and alasan utk makan lagi bnyk chocolate..oh no no it is not so healthy~~menu for today ( super duper simple just fried fish and fried eggs and rice) simple but yet delicious plusssssss kicap manis cap kipas udang dari malaysia..aaaaaa..yumie..yumie ..jgn kamu tais liur sana ahh ( jgn meleleh2 saliva ya )..
btw while cooking i was look out tru the window and the view just so amaze and remind me of my sister who used to call it as " bulan melimpang" mean lying @ hanging moon..hahahhahah..funny:

Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ugly ~
ugly better season 2 episode 16
i ws wonder why does tht bitch charly ( henry's so called wife) tht he has to married with just becoz she is pregnant have similar look like some bitch tht i used to ada kah org2 bermuka seperti idung tak jd and kecik2 mcm katak akan memiliki ciri2 utk mejadi org seperi charley itu?yg mana dlm cerita ne charley was actualy mendapatkan sources utk "mengandung " itu dari org lain bukan nya henry yg konon nya bf dia..auuuchhhhh..org2 bida@ mcm katak dan hodoh ada lah candidate utama yg melompat2 mahu menjadi seperti charley..oh charley!!
wow too emotinal lah pulak...well henry look so inocent and good type of guy tapi itu lah juga yg kaki tipu sana2 sini dan~~ jaji2 manis mcm2 yer!!patut lah charley meet henry.sama2 palui!!jd jgn d paluikan @ d bodohkan oleh org2 seperti henry and charley
wlpn nampak baik tapi entah apa dlm otak henry itu..BUT charley memang whore.huahuahuahua..even katak@ charley dlm reality out there pun mcm itu.maka tidak heranya.
jadi kepada kamu2 semua, jgn jadi mcm org2 ini.jadi lah manusia.jgn menjadikan alasan utk OPSSSS " Termengandung" utk dpt perhatian atau membuat rampasan harta atau pun rampasa apa2 saja lah.tapi siapa2 yg telah d rampas atau mangsa keadaan katak2 wat to do..mungkin itu dugaan dan percaya lah org2 yg terainaya itu doa nya dan hidupnya akan jd lagi lek2 err..katak sama tempurung saja yg ngam@ sesuai.
huahauahuahauhauhau..but utk yg married "termegandung"/ mengandunglag kamu jika sudah bersedia mentally and $$ matter.coz membesarkan anak bukan mcm besar kan anak kucing..opss eeven anak kucing perluakan $$$ so so cheers everyone
dunt be like charley and henry
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:55 PM 0 comments
did u ever heard about forex?only yesterday i was really exploring everything ( opss tipu lah bah kan dlm masa satu hari tau semua pasal junk ne ) or sumthg about forex. yes its really good if u have patience @ kesabaran betul kah ne? oxford dictionary pls..since i dunt have it with me right now..pls comment and corrected it if im wrong ele esle ashibka tam.:) and more thn tht of u its required skill and knowledge to predict, to know what is going on around this world.
btw if u invest for big sum of money thn better u fine a real good broker..but dont question me much about all thsis stuff yet coz im not study the real market time bro..
but it im having so much free time or lepak2 and goyang2 kaki sahaja dan ada duit apa salahnya buat benda ne..hehehehhee..
well if there is anybody doing it out share info and experience of it
btw the way click here for some other info :CLICK2 HERE FOR FREE
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
take it easy..
thanx for those who reading and concern about my writing and content of it or so on..
first of all i am admitting tht my writing skill, grammar, and my vocab just so for those who ever has/have better skill than mine pls sahre your blog with me so than i can improve mine as well.
so i guess i just should stop writing in english but perhaps another language such as malay and russian ..:) if its wat make reader fell so much more comfortable why not rite ?
there is one very humble person who were correlating my writing skill and my profession qualification and questioning matter regarding @ sumthg sound like tht " wondering/ wonder tht nowadays there is lots of unqualified people in medical field " but i choose to Take It Easy ..but somtimes i do believed that respecting and do in a right way is better coz sumtimes do a right thing tht u thk right at a wrong time will turn it to sumthg ***. :)
makanya gunain juga ya otak kamu jika memang kamu itu dari golongan intelektual yang bisa2 sama saja sama level dewa deh! ngomong gini juga mungkin bisa buat kamu pikirin esok2 aku juga engak bisa ngomong sama pesakit d luar sana..tapi rasanya org itu memang ajak intelek gitu..intelek jgn sampai jelek..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 3:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Summer clearance stock
good bargain..will never get it anywhere even at TEXNOSILA
NB : Microwave as well for sale but no picture available yet ..soon perhaps..
Brand : Electrolux
used for 1 year only of coz in GOOD CONDITION
Price : Roub. 1450
PRICE : Roub 1450 ( price negotiable)
book for sale : mircrob text book : Roub 350.00 ONLY
wat else to sale ah?
perhaps winter jackets or any jackets?if want myb u can have a look first..coz basically i dunt knw which one to sell.Coz i love all of Them..hehehe
Posted by DefadaPooh at 9:07 AM 0 comments
HELLLLLLLLLLo to every one :
yay..kursk game just around the corner ppl..
ready?perhaps everyone ready like the battery everyday ..betul kah ne?
well here a link to view some preparation and video presentation from KSMU..kursk state medical university to burn and make ths event more more more warm and HOT!!
Speaking of HOT..n Hot..u may make pre oder for our official KSMU shirt..quality terjamin baik punyer~~
u may make pre oder here as well ..or contact me / emial me at : add me at fb
Dunt miss it..MAKE UR PRE ODER NOW..Event if u are not able to join us here in KURSK..u may oder it and we will deliver it tru ur uni contingent ..WAT SAY U?
HELLLLLLLLLLo to every one :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:35 AM 1 comments
LET's make $$$$ together
hello my dear open world wide and anyone can join it
INFINITY DOWNLIE mean u can fine and get as much as downline ppl to join under ur link...
this program u dont have to sell any product u just need to promote your page
click here to view the program and to register FOR FREE:
once u decided to activate ur account u just need to make payment rm 100.00
but if u interested do let me knw..i will offer only rm 80.00 if u make payment within 48hours after ur registration.
any futher inquiry pls do email me at :
glade to share with all of you
no no harm in trying and gv it a try :)
Posted by DefadaPooh at 5:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
sabtu yg mantap..
saturday and no class~~wat?no class?yup..hahahha it so wonderful when ever there is no class on saturday~~pheeeww..
and there for this morning we went to "rinak" @ open market to hunt for a cat~~KITTEN~~i went wit Kak hir,sarah and phar..Only phar managed to get persian..3 color punya kitten..cute..
i was fall in love with one kitten...light brown color..but no certificate~
then from rinak we hunt to our fav place Cat association Gloria..yayyayyayayya wat a luck!! baru2 masuk jak ada a bunch of persian..but but but!!too expensive!!luckily i even asked the Gloria's president either its worth to buy or not..and she said NO~~emmm okey..nvm thn wait they are so bz and so they were closing early and perhaps by anyday during next weekday we will able to c few other kitten`~plsss im dying to get another 1 more kitten!!!pitty my hearty~~jodoh mu belum sampai sama jak mcm tuan mu~~hahaaa
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My day
wakey up and just soooooo sleepy cant open my eyes even tho after shower..damn it.and i can feel like my brain just lack of oxygen..damn!!
but yes My SOS came~~great2..
went to class wit lil of doubt..coz i was fall a sleep while reading my notes last nite..and i was just soooo sleepy head!!
but class went so well and the surgery : laparoscopic coleysystectomy just so so interesting~~ great2..
thn after class we went to chantal as guys ( kong, julius and minor spronser razis) who treating all gurls in our group for Lunch as belated womens's day which was on the 8th march !..good..ok ok i will baked cheesecake for u guys..just wait for a rite time ya :)
but there is sumthg wrong for the day which i cant xpln..u just hope thgs should be just fine :)
p/s : no pic available yet..sorry
Posted by DefadaPooh at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
when sumthg look perfect bt actually it just nt so..wat will u do?struggle ensure those thgs become perfect?
do it hurt when sumone trying to tell u the right thgs in no matter how harsh or how great the sentence sound like?
but how hurt it is to xpln sumthg tht actually not ur fault or or i cant say is its not wat u just like tht coz the situation rite now is like tht..
sumhow i wish im not me..sumhw im invisible @ halimunan kali ahh..heehe..or sumtimes i wish how possible if i can just reformate everythg..including ths life..
when too much thgs happened in one time..and when u seek for any1 unless to hear but giving u such -ve feed back..
it just dosent sound rite for me..if wanna give ur opinion tht might hurt sumhow pls choose some other time..even if u feel it rite ..RIghtTHINGS AT WRONG TIME..:)
i cant wait to stand by my own and fall down by my own as well..
it makes me wanna choose different distinantion..i will do wat eva its takes to changed ths freaking life..either its all from my anger or wat eva it is..but i alwz thg of it.
revolution needed~~strenght needed..
cry if u want ppl..some ppl might see u such an idiot if u cry everytime problems came up..but if u keep all inside plus with varies of life story it might kill u even more faster thn alcoholic and smoker person
Posted by DefadaPooh at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Bad day..but Allah S.W.T.alwz there for me / us
today such as rough day..moring was started finely..class nt so bad!and after the class was hanging out for a lunch n coffee wt the other gurl in my grupmates.
thn after tht went to Place where i used to withdraw my money since my MAYBANK atm card only can be used at one specific atm machine!!tht sound so f**k up
there is 2 same atm machine ( same bank called SEBER BANK )..So with my doubt im trying one of the atm machine tht i dunt used to withdraw.coz same bank mah!!thn there was only desplay amount roub 5000 equal to around rm 580.00++
thn i choose another amount 8000roub..thn its nt successful coz max for transection roub 7.5k so i key in another amount roub 7.5k..and the machine desplay transection not accepted!ok nvm
thn i decided to use another atm machine tht i used ok lah i withdraw sana saja lah kan..thn i key in 7.5k roub..unsuccesful ahhh i tot it just coz of some bloody maybank prob ok i decided just withdraw 5k roub and thn withdrw again~~
thn the first transection successful.but the 2nd one "NO" how come on my recipe stated no sufficent amount~~aaaaahhh?hw come oh??damn it..thn i feel sumthg wrong sumwher..and thn run back home .( ahhaha no just exazerating it)..cant run doh~~it too slippery.
check on my shitzz crap..the first transection 7.5k was deducted from my acc and and n i dunt have the recipe prove of it~crappy!!crappy!!try calling my dad but cnt reach him~~ahh ala2..panic attack..
call shibu thn..of coz thn i cried..but he just irritating me of my treatment is cry..yes 1st step for my prob solution is crying!!
after cryin thn call my dad again..and plss plss urgenly make a new acc for me and send new atm card!!and pls dunt forget to acitvated it..and im BROKE!!Broke now~~
dad pls send me some cash!!
if ths shitz not happened my financial jst fine.
after crying again..thn im started to translate necessary thgs before make a report to the bank..luckily the back jst near my house.but its nt a main building for tht bnk.but luckily thy are willing to hlp me out!!and they are one nice russian guy no willing to hlp me tanslate and haave a conversation with the lady bank( hehe sound weired)
he firstly over heard im from malaysia and he look excited but i dunt gv a damn tht moment..and yet was still strugelling wit my broken russian language.
and one moment ..while i was standing for my q..he was right behind me again..and yay..he hlp me out ths time..he been to Indon before..and i guess he was living there for quite somtimes before..and he has small conversation in indon malay .well bisa ngomong..bisa faham ya.
he such a great guy..he dunt even bother to ask my name or ask for anytg in retrun...he jst wanna hlp me out..sinceraly..and he serioulsy good man..he hlp me write a report in russian lang..uhuu..thank God u send me a right person at a right time..
i m so thankful to Allah s.w.t who made my thgs easier even tho i was in trouble and hard time..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Pemergian yg Tak Akan Kembali lagi..Redha
permergian arwah FadhNashriq Sunarto kira mcm 2nd cousion amat d rasai..amat pilu..amat sedih..tidak terkata2..wlpn berita itu agak lambat sampai kepada ku tapi ada sebabnya ya..walaubagaimana pun Alhamdullilah semua sudah selamat d laksanakan d sana.
doa ku sentiasa akan mengiringi mu tidak kira d mana aku atau kamu berada
dia lah antara cousion ku yg terapat sejak dari kecik..childhood ku main2 tembak2..main air..main tapuk2..ehheheh..tu lah umur pun sama kan..dia lah yg paling taiko.coz banyak kami semua 4 ,Afiq,Nina,aku and arwah ..arwah lah yg paling tua..kami 3 semua sama umur ..
sejak semua masuk high school.masuk college semua ada hala itakan kekeluargan sentiasa ada d situ..
6th yg ku lalui d sini memang banyak yg aku teringgal...event2 yg best bersama family..and limitd time to catch up with everyone somehow make me sad..but bukan beerti lupa kan..
kepergian yg tidak d duga ini amat meningat kan kita semua bahawa kita ini semua yg masih berada d muka bumi ini teruskan lah hidup dengan sempurana..
jadilah hamba ALLAH S.W.T yg taat and setia .
berdoalah ajar kita sentiasa d bawah lindunganNya..berdoalah semogoa Nur and hidayah itu ada pada diri kita
aku terima semua ini sebagai petunjuk dari Nya..
Posted by DefadaPooh at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 05, 2010
Mari mencuba lagi :)
ok ok ini pogram lagi satu
cuba click and check them out
easy and yes very minimum cost needed~so apa tunggu lagi..daftar lah ekk
pendaftaraan PERCUMA@ FREE
permulaan hanya dengan rm 20.00 untk active kan account :)
give it a try
Posted by DefadaPooh at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 04, 2010
syndrome oh syndrome!!
my head dosent able to concentrate on wat i m supposed to do now..i need to study.a buch of things..need to reinstall into my litte time left but too much time keep on been wasted around..shitty of me..
our graduation day and date keep on changing..our state xm as well keep on changing its formate. pls uni and rectore decide it faster!! and pls for those who damn freak wanna take the other non sence xm such as social med pls get ur mind asap!!before i will find u and tell u how i hate this state xm and pull out ur brain!!
belum grad pun but im futher ahead been thinking how my life gona be after not looking forward to work and practise my medcine..but at the same time i cant wait for my knowledged to be in minimal level thn push it to maximal level..hahahaa..
pls pray and cross ur finger for my success!! amin
Posted by DefadaPooh at 8:17 AM 0 comments
today i would like to wirte in malay sorry for those who do not understand and read malay.:)
hari2 ku kebelakangan ini di temanai dengan radio era online..buang tebait..:)so tengah hari local time russia..tengah sikat2 rambut ada pulak berita cara era..ada lagi lah berita yg melibabtkan penderaan..PENDERAAN KANAK2..kali ini buat kai ke dua perkara yg lebih kurang sama yg berlaku kira2 kurang daripada 2 minggu lalu:
budak berusia 18bulan MATI d tendang sehingg MATI di PADANG BOLA ( AGAIN AS LIKE BEFRORE)..cUMA Kali ne kurang pasti siapa lelaki durjana yg tidak ada akal dan fikiran itu
tersentak sejenak mengharapkan berita ini ada lah berita ulangan yg pernah berlaku ..tetapi malangnya ia nya ada lah yg ke dua.
MENGAPAKAH??mengapakan semua ini berlaku?DI MANAKAH rasa kemausiaan, rasa kasih sayang sesama manusia kini..bukanah kononnya org2 malaysia penuh dengan tata susila,bersopan,dan sebagainya..
apa kah punca semua ini?kalau lah budak yg malanga ini d tendang sehingga mati oleh seorang lelaki yg bergelar BAPA.maka apa kah masalah organisai kekeluargann d malaysia kini?kalau tak mahu anak..jgn kawin..perkahwinan bukan lah kerna nafsu!!
perkahwinan bukan lah hanya kerna kamu sayng menyangi pasangan kamu!tetapi kerna kamu sudah yakin dengan tanggungjwp.
jika org2 ini mempunyai masalah mental!MAKA ada lah d sarankan agar ada lagi satu procedure sebelum berkahwin yakin medical mental check up..
kanak2 juga mempunyai hak..hak mereka perlu d hormati..Jangan berfikir hanya kerna kamu ada lah IBU/BAPA so boleh buat apa saja penderaan mental/ physical!!
dan org ramai yg menyakisikan penderaan yg d lakukan terhadap kanak2..tolong lah bangun dan membantu! jgn berfikir seperti org bodoh juga.yg mengamalkan prinsip aku aku,kau kau..perlu sedar..kamu juga bersalah jika tidak membantu..panggil polis asap, minta bantuan org2 lain2..panggil ambulance asap..dan jika perlu attack ajer org durjana ini!!
tolong lah wahai org2 malaysia hentikan kerja2 gila kamu semua ini..semua gejala2 sosical and sial ini ada lah masalah bersama!!penderaan.pembunuhan.rogol.and ect..bukan lah apa yg kita mahukan sebagai gambaran org2 malaysia..
jika kita asyik bz nak halau2 pendatang tanpa izin kerna konon nya mereka ini jer lah yg bawa lihatkan org sendiri pun buat tahi!!selesaikan semua ini!!
al fatihah buat kanak2 yg tidak bersalah ini
Posted by DefadaPooh at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
StOrY From heart store...:) i am..since few days i was keep on finding the perfect way to write sumthg tht truly from deep my heart..But there were alwz distruction and bla2..and tody after 'small" break from study ..and guitar hero..thn here i am ..speel out sumthg tht after so long stuck in my mind.
Yeah im sure it such an damn real universal word tht everyone LOVE to use.:P
L.O.V.E bring varies definition and story behind that little tiny one word.
here i wanna share some LOVE story of mine..
people who i love are : my mom,my dad,my siblings tht i called as " happy 3 family", did u eva watched happy 3 friend??
thn u will knw why we are like tht..haahhahaha..benci2 sayang bah...marah2 pun sayang..
there is classic love story..abt how my dad mate his gf..they met at high school lover..ehemm2..after my dad move to mixed school SMKL from st anthony after having some issue back at his old shcool which im not interested to share it was passed issue.:P and not important in ths Love story :)
my dad seems reallt deeply in love with his gf and they are get married in early yeah my dad married my mom lah..there was another reason why my mom married at early age,emmm coz my late grandma from my mom asked tht moment she suffered from chronic colon cancer@ any other intestinal part i m not so sure.and my mom said my late grandma really do look like her..eeee:)
i love my the only sister i have, Nana..who now are growing and become more matured :P
i love both of my lil bro boy who nw alwz accompanying me driving around in labuan, makan mcd,mkn ice cream malam2..hehehehhe..and chit chat of coz.
oh and my another lil bro who alwz neglacting when he abt to knw tht im abt to fly off to russiamy lil bro who i missed to see him growing..he jst abt 4 years old by the time im decided to study in russia and now he already almost 10years old..
i cant wait to be with my family again..b with my siblings and having semi normal life back..after 6 years been apart.. im a big sister in the family and soon wow..i need to be independent and be 'sumone" in the family..moga2 di permudahkan semua nya.amin
how abt another LOVE Story of mine?
it sound awful sumwhere..hhhahahahha..but a true love tht i alwz pray and hope to get is Love from God who will never forgetting me no matter how my life was in the past,presently and in future.
another love im looking for is from sumone who can accept the way i am, accepting my family and respecting everythg n everytg
i wish my other family member as well could understand the value of Love.which cant be measure by $$$$$$$..kerna $$$$ tidak akan d bawa mati ke kubur ya..rezeki itu akan sentiasa terbuka and d murahkan lagi jika kita tidak lah sgt berkira/ kedekut and asyik berfikir $$$ and harta itu akan berkurangan jika d gunakan bersama dengan bijaksana..
$$$$ if foundation of life..BUT jika itu ada lah hak bersama maka jgn d gunakan sendiri..kerna itu lah ada nya zakat and etc..
p/s : sorry if there is some are out of topic..but it just cross of my mind..
dan apa2 lah yg patut and berkaitan dengan nya ada lah sesuatu yg mulia
Posted by DefadaPooh at 1:20 PM 1 comments