Monday, May 31, 2010


Hari ne hari mereweng2 untuk final year student yg belum siap itu ini....gila juga rasanya bila tak ada minggu study and terus xm right after end sem.gampang rasanya..bila tiba2 dpt call belum dapat zahut @ signature from each department membuktikan u sudah hbs kelas hours and complete all rework class..dah lah zachut obs yg belum dpt..nasib baik lah ada cikgu di department..kinda tiring coz pas tu kena p uni lagi..ayoo nasib baik lah ada group leader yg buatkan..opss alang2 d uni tukar lah duit 100usd utk byr deposit graduation di msia yg akan d adakan di convention hall KLCC..jaga if ndak jadi ahh.pukul tu org..:)) thn otw home baru teringat mau p beli sphygmomanometer ( yg ukur blood pressure tu..tapi yg manual punya lah..) untuk xm..hahhaha all this while less border abt it..jst in case esok di tanya pulak..naya aku.yg lama sudah rosak,.so beli lah baru..and nasib baik lah rajin mau beli d kedai sadovaya sana kira supplier sana can get good hanya dengan 400roub= around rm 54.00 

mls mau kasi kuar..tengok kotak saja lah ahh :P

and sambil2 tu ter ter ter suka lah pulak sama stethoscope ne..sebab warnya..and memang mau beli satu dari russia punya.yg color2 tu..
but this one..really like and gold :P

ini cover lah..Little doctor LD SPECIAL GOLD :)


like it

but pas tu ternampak pulak little doctor cardio..warna fully pink..alamak..mau beli juga lah..emmm okey nnti lah tunggu my dad dtg sini..baru lah minta beli yg satu lagi :)hope ada lagi lah time tu..
even tho pas ne mau beli warna pink LITTMANN..Which gonna cost me around 500rm ++
while here in russia LITTLE DOCTOR just aroud 65Oround = 70rm :) 

but stethoscope baru ne ndak kan pakai utk esok xm..tetap akan pakai Littmann ..the best!! good luck everyone for tomorrow xm :) cheers

p/s : sila click nuff saya ya ( on top of my play list ) 

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Promise myself..

0127 still awake..and what the hell am i doing now?updating my entry again?YES..ok to make my eyes open widely same goes to my brain im promising myself tht i'll cont my reading soon after done this entry..:P
emm i've changed my u can see..lawa ndak??puji puji lah..and song as well..FROM LENKA just enjoy the show..ahhhh sgt suka..Make my heart singing all the way..spring and summer spree just switch my laughin around eventho there is state xm are waiting for me :( tidak suka ini..
cerita2 yg lain pun okey2 lah..ahakzz..even no assurance yed but  i dunt even care much... i cat n determine my path..perhaps my path will be much more better from wat i ever had...
but everytime shower i keep on depress while thinking of my age..shitzz im still young!!suku im feel sad coz all my childhood friend are leaving me behind?bukan kasi tinggal dlm kata erti just they sudah menjadi matang..sudah memilih satu step ahead tht i never able to imagine of..i tot we will stay minggle ( single to minggle) !! i just dunt knw where this sentence came from..jst ignore it if u feel it totally wrong..i just like the way it sound..POYO..i alwz tot tht once everyone started working than we can spending our $$ together to travelling around..i guess im most left behind in tht case coz  i dunt even working yet :( andui sad..but at the same time im happy coz they found Mr Right..while im still looking around for tht Man..astaga..:P not looking for it...coz i wont have time for fine my journey to be success just make my path sound and look more harder + bilang hati manusia boleh berubah2..
enough of broken hearted ..wat such a wasting experience of life i had before..seriously not worth..kepada remaja2 seperti saya d luar sana jgn lah kamu susah2kan diri bercinta mcm monyet...dusta semata..jadi jgn jd monyet..jd lah heart breaker.. :)) apa punya advise ne
cuma kan dlm ate kan mau kena carikan jodoh laki yg baik..kaya raya..( iman and $$), emm mau yg handsome d mata ..yg ada genetic bagus..emm kalau boleh kulit lagi cerah from me and tinggi ala2 model pun okey..thn kan kalau boleh mau yg dari europe atau pun yg dari ??? entah apa pelik my taste ne...jadi kalau bukan dont bother to introduce me..

emmm but i guess u can ignore all my statement above..coz actually im looking for Penaja2 utk sambung study if kamu2 semua ada link sama MARA let me knw..

green light

oh ya semlm sempat and dapat juga on the phone with my mom,my dad,my lil bro and my sis..opss and my grandma too..emm they are having family vacation .. jealous ne..dorang BBQ ..ketam..sotong..lamb chop..ayam..best2...terliur2 ne.tapi nasib lah puas juga BBQ sini ...

apa yg green light?green light from my mom to get furnitures baru for my room..yay..yay..even can get them from ikea if i want to..jgn mungkir janji ya..

hari ne rasa mcm pelik.sunday....thinking of therapy practical exam tinggal 2 hari jak lagi!!ahhhhh rrrrhhh..prob utama nnti bila mau bagi diagnosis..boleh kah patient aku kasi tau jak diagnosis kamu nnti..and i swear i'll bring dictionary tht day..opss bawa hp cukup lah..and kertas2 dialog bersama patient..takut nyer!!takut pun masih juga berblog kan.ini lah if bz tapi buat2 free akan jd mcm ne lah..sekali lagi sibuk servey sana sini harga flight..astaga..:P

nuff nang?

After keep on heard abt it esp from ila ( bangga lah if u read ths one ahh..) hehehehehe than im decided to explore abt this okey sign up for free so no ppl outside there yg belum sign up..jom2 sama2 sign up and see wat benefit it could bring apa lagi click on my nuff everytime u visit my blog ya..i wanna see betul kah ne?bah clik2 lah..:P ala2 sakai and jakun :))

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My day dreaming

gosh..i just cant hlp my self sound and does look xm will be this coming tuesday and since last nite i just cant stop thinking and even searching around on hw to deco my little tinny room back in msia..ayoo..why lah ..before ths i dunt even really care coz i wont really stay at my room or mean i dunt even really in labuan all this while..even during my holiday for past 6 years..u just dunt had time to deco even i want to..2 months plus minus practikel plus minus mls..aucchhh...:))
so since last night keep on scratching on the A4 paper abt roughly hw i want to organize the furniture..
and today instead of finish my reading i was searching online till i found online ikea catalog. ah oh yeah at least if i cant found sumwhere else near by labuan thn i just need to fly to kl and grab them..but than hw abt shipping them bck to lbn?i hope normal cargo would accept those things with normal extra luggage charge.( angan2 tinggi)
anyone knw where i can nice and cheap bed and wardrobe ..and free delivery ( around borneo and labuan)..
i even though of doing the interior design by self ( including cat mnegecat my room) perhaps with hlp of my other siblings.( OK?)
I tried to reach my family which now they all having vacation and for sure relaxing their head and i guess tht y he jst put his hp away and miss my call..citttt..BUT pitty my dady even yesterday i was bodering him regarding domestic flight ticket here in russia..ok thn we will settle them all after ur vacation ya..but dunt blame if the flight ticket will be bit expensive. ur daughter learning to appreciate vale of every single sen,ringgit and all...:P tht y now im looking around and survey before finale decision to changed my room.. :) yeah..

here are few example for bed tht im looking for :

the rm 549 ( gmbr besar itu) or yg rm 399 dlm gmbr kecik itu juga okey..or yg stated new di barisan ke 3 dari atas.. binggung sudah..

or yg mcm dlm gmbr ne..( tapi actually suka yg gmbr pertama d atas cuma memang fikir mau theme red and white) even red jst not my fav color but its the way to make room look bigger and brighter and hope my sis gonna like it too)

so i hope i will managed to at least contribute 50% with my own $$ or jika lulus sirim myb 0% kan..i wont have time to think or do ths little effort thgs (???) after started let i do it now ya..i want everytime i come back to lbn i will get comfly lil room and can forget all the stress..Dad and mommy pls make my dream come tru this time after my dream becoming DR almst accomplish..i swear jasa mu akan ku balas hingga keakhir nya wlpn u never asked for..kasih sayang kamu tidak akan mampu terbayar juga ...tapi at least to be with u all as much as i can after we miss 6 years apart..( ayat berbaur bodek tapi really actually it touch apex of my heart )

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pre graduation

patutnya entry ne pre-state xm..hahhaha lawak2..coz tadi ptg 2 jam membuang masa di tailor untuk finale fitting jubah (???) ehhhh graduation gown lah..bukan lyn mau pakai jubah sudah..itu kena tunggu dulu..hahhahahsini gown tempah and beli and boleh simpan sampai bila2..hampeh nya..kain nya sangat lah tidak best..jahitan russian ne memang juga tidak boleh di terima pakai..ayoo..hentam saja lah kan..
pas habis fitting gown sempat lagi singgah sebentar bermain judi jalanan..namum tidak ada pulangan yg bgs..rugi ada lah..setakat membuang tekanan..nak kata main slot machine pun kira bukan lah..hehehe kinda funny game ok..

oh ya kwn2 seperjuangan d kursk ne utk finale student sila check laman klick sini  SPA interview akan berada d kursk sepanjang 14th-16th June 2010..ala2 i have to think carefully bila mau pi intervirew ne..instead of fikir apa soalan2 yg mungkin di tanya..i would like to prepare few question to ask them ..poyo..( how much would u like to offer me for me to work with gov?) hahhaha atau pun mcm ne ( will u willing to pay my basic 5k as HO aka kuli batak hospital?)..well jgn cuba soalan2 ini d rumah anda..bahaya..
jadi mari lah kita menitikberat kan issue d msia dah issue2 perubatan d msia sana..ceh...mau balik msia for good sudah ne.

hari ini juga hari yg mencabar kerana sekali lagi pening kepala utk beli ticket online moscow-st.p..esok lusa try lagi berprob pulak..

to all my kadazan@ dusun friend i would like to wish u all : kotabian tadau kaamatan..mari kita aramaite..
to all my family yg sedang bercuti wlpn pada hakikatnya darah dusun itu sudah semakin sipi2..happy oliday kamu sana..pelan2 kamu sana balik kg halaman d kundasang kan?hahahhaha

Thursday, May 27, 2010

drama2 RTM?

tajuk entry ini sekali lagi tiada kaitan betul..tapi kalau sumthg yg happening around ppl like to call it as drama tempatan atau drama2 swasta..tapi drama yg ndak best2 tu kan drama yg tidak mahal pembikinannya..hahhahah :P
mula mengarut kerna otal sgt sesak..sesak jiwa mau xm tapi otak tidak mampu..soul juga sudah lari kemana2..damn it..mesti belajr ne nnti mau kerja mcm mana?mana da cikgu mau d tanay2 sudah ne..sementara ada cikgu sendiri ne cuba lah kasi guna mereka ne sampai habis..hahha apa punya ayat lah..
soul ku fikir mau hntr kucing balik and all about my parents yg mau dtg sini ne..ndak sabar mau tunjuk KURSK bandar tercinta ne..
even there is few ppl im expecting to visit Russia this time but tidak kesampaian..selagi belum end of day ..we still able to go anywhere around this world kan.. :) kalau ada $$$ nya lah .
soul sudah hilang di telan masa..esok2 kalau sudah rasa bosan2..mau tukar specialization instead of O&G buat lah phatology..all the autopsy thinging..Boleh berlakon FBI..hahhahaa...
ayoo..hati ada banyak sedih pulak dari semalam..since terbaca entry c ona pasal MY gurl korean series tu..adeeh..terus terkoyak2 rabak jantung ne kununnya lah..tu lah Love itu perlukan analgesic @ ubat tahan sakit...bukan nya memilih sgt mau bercinta ne..cuma perlu jadi rational kan.( merepek sudah ne) ..
Kush Kush Ho Tahey .... :))

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

tak ada topic

it seems very hard to curi2 masa sediit untuk update blog study ?kah bz packing and bz day many thgs to settle and to do...sampai kadang2 jd marah coz masa terbuang..hahhaha ya lah tu ..padahal membuang masa..mau menaip ne pun susah loh..ada anak2 kecik ne mengannggu..anak kucing ya fyi..hehehehe..dorang ne time2 mau study time2 mau menaip taip tu dorang mau menaip juga..susah terlampu pandai ne..pandai mendail phone lagi..incase of emergency at home they even can call me advance..blah lah..tapi hearty and oreev ne lah penawar hati sini..cuma orev ne ganas betul..suka main gigit2.urusan dorang ne juga banyak..mau ready2 untk bawa balik msia kan..yay..jap lagi ptg ne mau bawa buat microchip transplantation..whcih gonna cost around rm 60/ ech kitten

than process memohon permit import boleh d mulakan....:)

semalam mimpi yg tidak idah.mimpi patah gigi bawah..and its seems sooo real ..patah gigi ada lah benda yg paling tak best for me..coz kalau boleh no matter how expensive it could be i would like to maintain my teeth till my death..i did try to google and read the dream interpretation but it seems does not sound good..mohon minta d jauhkan apa2 yg kurang baik..

so to all reader out there update lah blog2 kamu coz i love to read it :)

have good everyone :)

Friday, May 21, 2010


siapa sudah hbs menonton adamnaya?confrm banyak yg sudah hbs nonton kan..baru jak habis menonton tadi after quite so long pending there and there..biasalah ada tv3 online hari \2 tengok berita pun no hall..tak ada kes siri tertinggal lagi..best2...d mana pun berada sentiasa bersama tv3 :) ceh mcm kena sponser tv3 pulak kan ...
sangat menyentuh perasaan cerita ne..moral of the story juga juga power..perempuan memang begitu kekadang susah mau nampak benda yg baik d depan mata..tapi dani juga tidak bersalah..kerna cinta sejati nya sgt obsess hingga menjadi tahap yg melampau..well penantian itu satu penyeksaan..kerna itu jangan lah kawin secara paksa rela kerna itu bukan satu benda permainan..ambik lah masa selama mungkin asalkan hati cukup yakin..bukan semua lelaki d luar sana mcm adam..

jgn lah juga jadi isteri yg again moral nyer..jgn kawin beb if kes paksa2 ini...kawin paksa esok lusa cerai sama juga masaalah nya kan..

so jgn emosi dengan cerita ini.. :)

Musim buah datang lagi

ini yg best bila musim spring ne..buah pink2 itu sudah muncul kemabali..STRAWBERRY here i come to EAT and EAT u..untuk msa akrg ne satu kg dlm kira 24rm..satu kg tu..wah..bila lama2 lagi skit nnti cuma dlm 10/kg..wah tudak kira mau makan juga skrg..freshhh and juicy...cara2 makan strawberry with extra nikmat adalah : celupkan dengan coklat..wahhhhhh sssssssseeeeeeeeeeedap..or paling2 kurang makan degann cicah gula juga sedap ( ajakran kak pp ) ..tidak akan menyebabkan DM percaya lah :P

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Menghitung Hari

Was not able to update ..kinda and lazy..combo..but i had such a great weekend last sunday..playing paintball at real ground was super super duper here in russia...gonna miss it..hope i will able to play once again before  my final xm..hahahhaha too much thgs to do bila sudah di saat2 akhir ne..

gyne class was over..and again was able to watch closely vaginal hysterectomy ..kinda complicated..emmm other thn tht.i thk its time to enter gear 5 and vrooom2...vroooom to study..

ok pray for my state xm..muaxhhhh

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Few pics update

this few pics tht i took on the 9th may 2010 ( 65th year of Victory Day Russia )..i was enjoyed it to the max after awhile my lens just stay at home..more pics at my fb

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A long weekend

even tho satruday wasnt full day off..but we were having Holiday yesterday on Monday..there were lots of things and event going on around here kursk..sooo im so great full tht my remaining weekends here wasnt tht bad..there was Lunch with Fadzil and the other of my grupmates member to Celeb Fadzila 25th Birthday..yay..again figure of 25.. :)
Than at evening time went out to BBQ again and again was kinda Kursk  Game Victory Celebration..we alwz celebrate it no matter either we won as a Champion or not..yay.. 
Sunday on the 9th May 20day10 there was Russian Victory Day ( 65 year ) ..its my first time to participate this kinda of things after all this while of my 6years living in Russia..At least once i feel to be in the same crowd with Russian..HUGE Crowd ya..i supposed to wake up at 6am but i was toooooo tired and only managed to go out around  10am..but its okey i just miss the normal parade ..which i did saw their full dress rehearsal yesterday at LENIN street.
i was looking around the Lenin street and than went to Kursk Arch which event started at 11.20am if not mistaken ( mean i was on time ya )..there was main parade among those war heroes ( perjuang2 russia ) and other uniform team.everyone holding flower just to give it to those HEROES..great..really like to c this..even those small kids and youngster are participating on it..than after parade done..followed by photography session.and of coz i did join the crowd and snap few pics with those HEROES n there were so so so overwhelming and happy to take pic with me ..will be uploaded soon ..

thn we move to Kursk memorial park which just abt 5mints distance from my house..but yet never border to walk around there..majlis penghormatan dan emmmmm dan apa ekk??i cant find the right sentence for it..acara penyampaian bunga pun bukan..emmso wat we called it??its kinda respecting the late heroes and upacare meletakkan bunga..( sorry ayat tidak dpt d susun just cant help my self )

i was so happy and enjoy to the max snap and snapping2 pic for this event as they allowed me to be in center of event as the other photographer..( rendah diri terus cz my lens tidak sehebat mana ) over all for today's event  ( 9th of may ) was about 777pics..

will be uploaded as soon as possible..

on the 10th may..
after  Late +sudden decision i went to next city Voronesh abt 2h drive from was fun and and lots of historical thinging as im not so familiar with The history so let me study abt it first..but it seems Voronesh was one of the main city involving in war..i guess bigger contribution thn kursk..hehehhe..itu andain ajer..
Voronesh bigger thn Kursk and more places to go...ada Laut lagi..sempat naik boat ride..and coz of sempat window shopping and makan2 Mcd and subway ( cian kursk ) but kampung tak kampung kursk tu..kursk jst a place where im spending my 6 years for education purpose..bukan kg halaman pun kan.:)

so i hope everyone did enjoyed last weekend :)


Wednesday, May 05, 2010


2010 insyallh will turn to 25 years old by end of year..wat a big deal with this figure?? emm sound cool..not so young..not soo old either...25 if figure of age where i will started my new independent life..Emm do im late a few step behind??aisehhhhhhhh professional course required 4-6 years to complete the dunt blaming me for using my parents $$$ for almost over 25 years..and perhaps untill my age 35..or even more..
 majority of my friends  get married by age 23,24,25, or even earlier thn tht coz jodoh dtg awal and rezeki sgt i am alwz pray for their long lasting marriage..i wonder how does they can decided to get married n maintain it..( ????) they must be well dedicated..
so a person like better to spending my remaining life span with my parents and my siblings ..who will alwz love me and accepting the  way i am ..air d cincang tidak akan putus..cuma boleh d buang jak air tu dari baldi..hahahhaha..
ciri2/ tanda2/ sign of u getting older : when u feel less flirting around, when u dont bother to fine a new partner after ur current "_ship" did  not work out, when u just keep on thinking/ planning how to be success in ur carrier and when u just keep on thinking on how to make more $$$ in future"

so tidak heran jika mereka2 yg broken hearted usually turn out become more success..but at the same time it does not mean who are not broken hearted are / will not success..Dunt freak out ya..


wat a day..not feeling well externally and internally..
somtimes i just cant hide or runaway from sumthg tht bordering me..i can smile..i can be just fine once i step out from my door..coz i dunt like to be a reason or causes for other people to be sad or terkena tempias from its normal lah if i just wanna sleep or stay at home when ever i feel sooo bad or even sick..dah sakit mcm mana mau jalan2 kan..

mahu tak mahu kena siapkan 2 rework class surgery by tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..shitz..bnyk nya benda nak buat time2 rasa mcm susah sgt nak focus kan..rasa mau nangis pulak pikir kan kerja sad...tolong lah buat kan kerja ne..

snap and snap..

more pics d fb...
we were having group photoshoot yesterday ..and it was kinda fun and tiring..ceh..kunun lah kan..btw its not easy to get a good pose and pic..:P