Saturday, May 29, 2010

My day dreaming

gosh..i just cant hlp my self sound and does look xm will be this coming tuesday and since last nite i just cant stop thinking and even searching around on hw to deco my little tinny room back in msia..ayoo..why lah ..before ths i dunt even really care coz i wont really stay at my room or mean i dunt even really in labuan all this while..even during my holiday for past 6 years..u just dunt had time to deco even i want to..2 months plus minus practikel plus minus mls..aucchhh...:))
so since last night keep on scratching on the A4 paper abt roughly hw i want to organize the furniture..
and today instead of finish my reading i was searching online till i found online ikea catalog. ah oh yeah at least if i cant found sumwhere else near by labuan thn i just need to fly to kl and grab them..but than hw abt shipping them bck to lbn?i hope normal cargo would accept those things with normal extra luggage charge.( angan2 tinggi)
anyone knw where i can nice and cheap bed and wardrobe ..and free delivery ( around borneo and labuan)..
i even though of doing the interior design by self ( including cat mnegecat my room) perhaps with hlp of my other siblings.( OK?)
I tried to reach my family which now they all having vacation and for sure relaxing their head and i guess tht y he jst put his hp away and miss my call..citttt..BUT pitty my dady even yesterday i was bodering him regarding domestic flight ticket here in russia..ok thn we will settle them all after ur vacation ya..but dunt blame if the flight ticket will be bit expensive. ur daughter learning to appreciate vale of every single sen,ringgit and all...:P tht y now im looking around and survey before finale decision to changed my room.. :) yeah..

here are few example for bed tht im looking for :

the rm 549 ( gmbr besar itu) or yg rm 399 dlm gmbr kecik itu juga okey..or yg stated new di barisan ke 3 dari atas.. binggung sudah..

or yg mcm dlm gmbr ne..( tapi actually suka yg gmbr pertama d atas cuma memang fikir mau theme red and white) even red jst not my fav color but its the way to make room look bigger and brighter and hope my sis gonna like it too)

so i hope i will managed to at least contribute 50% with my own $$ or jika lulus sirim myb 0% kan..i wont have time to think or do ths little effort thgs (???) after started let i do it now ya..i want everytime i come back to lbn i will get comfly lil room and can forget all the stress..Dad and mommy pls make my dream come tru this time after my dream becoming DR almst accomplish..i swear jasa mu akan ku balas hingga keakhir nya wlpn u never asked for..kasih sayang kamu tidak akan mampu terbayar juga ...tapi at least to be with u all as much as i can after we miss 6 years apart..( ayat berbaur bodek tapi really actually it touch apex of my heart )