Wednesday, May 26, 2010

tak ada topic

it seems very hard to curi2 masa sediit untuk update blog study ?kah bz packing and bz day many thgs to settle and to do...sampai kadang2 jd marah coz masa terbuang..hahhaha ya lah tu ..padahal membuang masa..mau menaip ne pun susah loh..ada anak2 kecik ne mengannggu..anak kucing ya fyi..hehehehe..dorang ne time2 mau study time2 mau menaip taip tu dorang mau menaip juga..susah terlampu pandai ne..pandai mendail phone lagi..incase of emergency at home they even can call me advance..blah lah..tapi hearty and oreev ne lah penawar hati sini..cuma orev ne ganas betul..suka main gigit2.urusan dorang ne juga banyak..mau ready2 untk bawa balik msia kan..yay..jap lagi ptg ne mau bawa buat microchip transplantation..whcih gonna cost around rm 60/ ech kitten

than process memohon permit import boleh d mulakan....:)

semalam mimpi yg tidak idah.mimpi patah gigi bawah..and its seems sooo real ..patah gigi ada lah benda yg paling tak best for me..coz kalau boleh no matter how expensive it could be i would like to maintain my teeth till my death..i did try to google and read the dream interpretation but it seems does not sound good..mohon minta d jauhkan apa2 yg kurang baik..

so to all reader out there update lah blog2 kamu coz i love to read it :)

have good everyone :)