Wednesday, October 05, 2011


i feel so freak out the same time so happy..but im so scared if things goes wrong..i start feel so panic if i just cant make worried if i dunt hv time..yet i cant wait anymore..omg i cant believe all this cross in my mind for god sake..hahahah wt is all about?let wait and see..

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Demi masa..

tajuk entry yg sukar utk d stop2 atau d laju kan juga..terlalu bnyk yg berkaitan dengan masa ug sukar utk d katakan.terasa masa berlalu dengan pantas sekali..emm 400km/hr mcm kelajuan mas wing dari kk-sandkn :) or event cant catch at all how fast time fly and rasa nya masa sudah memanggil2..and baru di sedari bahawa bila kita tidak mencari and tidak menjangka langsung ia dtg mcm mimpi and ia d rancang seolah2 sudah yakin..walau apa pun saya yakin akan ketentuan ini..biar lah kita berubah utk menjadi yg lagi baik.insyallh..doakan lah segala yg terbaik utk saya and kamu semua.

p/s : terharu hari ne dpt jemputan kad kawin my best groupmate bck in russia ..tidak d sangka2...hard copy..and its so touching..congratz in advance and happy for u my dear friend razis :)

Saturday, October 01, 2011

what is this?

i tot i was so strong enough and was tooooooo toooooo into myself and yes2 just it changed and totally feel good but at the same time feel so scared.but this time im so sure wt it..throw away all the fear before..but yet the distance still the issue..aiseh nothing can be easy i guess..i hope i can bare with it and be ok all the time : ) insyallh..

lets be happy everyone :)