Monday, April 19, 2010

Demi waktu

Demi waktu aku memang ketinggalan dari schedule and mcm2..dengan few case report patient ampai2 belum siap..assigment d tanggung2kan dengan state xm nyer..mati lah ne..And nasib lah Kursk game alrdy over..wlpn bnyk hampa lah ne.tidak dapat gold medal for futsal 2010..i commit the mistake..y dont i score the goal..stupido.shit..shitz....nvm..wat to gdo..and at same day and same handball terdapat lah pulak Gold..wah lain d puja.lain yg dpt as wat Aren said..from zero to
Our uni won the champion with 10 gold medal in total 2 silver ( if ndak sliap) and 1 bronze.
we won this intervasity game for the 4th time out of 7th ...yay..yay..2006,2007,2008 ( 3 kali juara all the way ) , thn now again 2010 Champion = kursk Sport medical university..Gila lah..hehhehehe

too much thing and cost tht i have to pay for this Kursk game in matter of Rouble ( @ RM , and matter of personal things...mau nangiis pun sudah rasa tidak ada hati mau nangis..i wasnt supposed to join this kursk game coz there is some matter happened..and si dia menjadi tidak yakin for me to join..bukan matter of my sickness or injury..but dengan kepala batu ku ..and dengan semangat sukan yg memang tidak akan bisa di hentikan oleh sesiapa pun..made me decided ok lah mau juga join ne sukan..even tho i had to miss lot of tranning session..but i knw..its wat the best i can do..but rupanya masih juga hati akan sakit ppl upload saja lah all my  pictures during kursk game....

 i m scared ..scared coz im in period of separation for awhile so he can think straight..and use his brain to make judgment..since we are talk and discuss it properly but yet still im sad..i knw what ever happened it must be a reason and to make me become a stronger person..amin..jika hari ne ada lah saat2 ne ada org 45 hari mencari cinta mcm c Ona..aku pulak mencari nahas..hahahaha..kenapa lah perjalanan idup ku lebih ,sukar..oh tidak.,mana boleh ukur and beza2 kan..tapi itu lah yg d rasa..hehehe..

it alrdy 9pm here..and im still looking for mood to lost..pls me ..


Hafiz Beckham said...

eh kenape ni lyn,.. kenal n nampak u kat kursk games all the time happy go lucky.. tak sangka kn. setiap org pun mesti ada masalah bila kita hidup dan mara ke depan. huhu. hope u tabah n kuat spt mana i know kenal u in the 1st impression!

DefadaPooh said...

biasa lah tu hafiz..when we work we have to be games also kena main wat to do this is part of life.:)