Saturday, October 23, 2010

entry sebelum berkhidmat

tuan2 dah puan..saya akan bermula berkhidmat d sandkan di Duches of Kent hospital. Hidup terasa gelap.dunia pun samar2 bila dpt surat tawaran!!menangis pun sudah..tekanan pun sudah..sejak balik dari PD jumaat semlm..memang semua jd mcm semcm.uhuk2..skrg sudah pun di kk..isnin lapor dii d JKN,thn selasa d sandakan..tidak berminat utk mengulas lgi lanjut.
dah kemungkinan tidak akan dpt update blog ne sekerap2 nya ya..hidup akan berubah!! :(

doakan semuanya

demi berkhidmat


Sheila said...

all the best to you.

Miss Red LadyBirD said...

Huhuhu....sedihnya mendengarnya. But tabahkan hati ya!Anyway all the best juga d sna. Not that bad juga ba hospital tu besarnya. Try la minta transfer. N jangan lupa calling2 or htr msg pun jadi la.
Will missing u....

shafiq said...

hello there dr. im shaz. a final year student of local undergrad. sorry to uninvitedly stalk ur blog and leave a comment. actually i need some guidance n opinion from u. im kind of indecisive of which hospital shall i do my horsemanship training. im thinking of sandakan. so, hows the life there as a dr and as a human?

shafiq said...

thanks in advance.

DefadaPooh said...

Shafiq: saya dah hbs buat HOusemanship 2thn d sandakan.overall saya bersyukur completed my ho in sandakan..wt good mo and surrounding.still can get my life alive.but sometimes there were up and down.its normal..i guess by now it should b better as no of HO increasing compare to my batch..good luck.

shafiq said...

Hey.. Thanks for the reply. So dr is no longer there la ek? By any means, do u know What's the ratio of ho per ward there? Currently The learning oppurtunity is it bttr there or QE is bttr? Tq.