Friday, September 17, 2010

bila dugaan itu terlalu sukar

agree when ppl said " idup umpana roda..kejap d atas,kejap d bawah" mean idup itu ada mcm2 cubaa lah kan..sumtimes we might feel tht our life just almost perfect and just nice..but once it down..rasa mcm  5 mcm .till to the extend unsure either to laugh or to cry on it. sumtimes feel so scared abt life and future..will i be able success?can i b sumone sumday?can i tru all ths life?once i almost can see sumthg for my life there is sumthg else comin up..kadang2 tu terasa dugaan itu tidak akan mengenal erti "enough is enough"..sudah lah dugaan itu semua hampir sama..shitzz org bilang..what is wrong wt all ths? till to the extend feel tired..esp after tryin so hard to normalize ths life.and balancing all elements. i pray to Allah S.W.T to replace all ths sorrow to wealthy tht inssyallh will wait me i can sumwhere far far away to continue study or work..amin

hw i wish when i wake up tomorrow it already past abt 3-5 years ..