Monday, March 22, 2010

Foundation of friendship = ?

Friends,Friendship and apa2 yg berkaitan has their own definition & terms and regulation as if u wanna question them up while u having an history of betrayer or apa2 yg sekutu dengannya seperti tidak mahu mendengar nasihat abt benda2 yg lagi terang and bersuluhkan sport light..emm adakah anda masih judged yg terbagus??but perhaps may be YES..Coz i dunt have right and nit judging about this things..:) and yet belum lagi ada promosi besar2an coz for me utl apa promosi.
real friend will dare and brave enough to say anytg face to face rather thn back stabing.y?coz friend are preffer to talk to ech other other thn make an issue or havoc yer..
but mayb foundation of friendship juga berubah..and i m out dated..myb the principle nyer skrg mcm ne..if u rasa tal senang ate jd kita kena lah buat havoc or buat muka dulu thn heboh2 kan..daripada berbincag dulu as a friend..kita bincang secare stranger.and kita juga guna back up singer or back up speaker time buat havoc tu incase apa yg ndak d ckp tak terkeluar.and show innocent face so if org baut judgment u will look just fine.
and im feel sorry for myself coz my friendship's principle kinda outdated.
and back to basic for me if sumone said stop / or telling to shut up or anytgg tht causes distruction and if i still pekak and tuli surely there will be a consequences of it...
for me stil one friend will speak it out among ech other friend and friend rather thn publisity.