Saturday, March 27, 2010

morning entry before afternoon :)

wake up and kinda silent.i feel the silent.but deeply im still greatful coz i m not yet abondent my kitten.siapkan makanan2 mereka..heatin up milk utk mereka~~vacuum my room coz telah d kototrkan oleh mereka juga
look at my phone and ok lah sms lah..since all thgs pun actually ok jer pun jst the air still berbacteria..kalau kena infection pun kena ambik antibiotic for 7days kan..apa lagi lah if rupanya2 ada virus..wah..kena lah + lagi antivirus : acyclovir.
but hw if its benign / malignant cancer..oh no!! gonna be long term treatment and satges ada lah seperti berikut : induction - consodilation - supportive therapy. aaaaaaaaaaa and secondary infection are tend to happen due to immunesuppression..
so i thk and i hope its not cancer!! :)
so hari ne jam 2.30pm ada handball traning!!yay>> hentam saja lah game ne!
jgn ikut hati tai ikut lah brain..think before taking any action..coz hati saya amat tidak betul..mulut dan hati dan brain tidak syncronize.itu ada lah kebodohan yg nyata!!hahah
so okey day will be jus fine..


thnx for concern and i do apreciated it..tht wat friend for who b there not just to laugh bt as well when u down as well..( maslyn im sure u are reading this )  ..hehehe :) i will eat more sweets jgn smpi gumuk lah kan..hehhehe


Miss Red LadyBirD said...

heheh...u know me.Rajin bca blog org tp blog sndri xda idea mo tulis pa.iya...sweet thngs xbyk sgt mkn smpai menyebabkn kgemukan.

DefadaPooh said...

hehehee...pun termakan bnyk mcm mana ne..baru jak membeli chocolate..heehe
tu lah update lah ur blog bah..kasi famous ur rabbits..hehehe