Friday, March 26, 2010

Peace of Mind?

trying hard to keep this past few days and remaining days alive..after few days skipping class and God seems knw how i dunt want to skip and yay no atrabotka and no reworkclass for those miss classes!
wat im trying to tell myself tht life not alwz fine,there is up and down.and it just crush so badly this time after few years just  living in nomral its become abnormal.langit tidak selalu indah.mendung hari ne mcm faham2 jer.wanna cry but just too tired to cry.
sumtimes i dunt wanna be myself who cry  so much for internal@ personal matter.
sumtimes man are so MAN.n for them only man can make mistake.and only man deserved to be apologized and only man be able to change to a better  MAN.
it dosent mean women are angle.yes of coz not.but no body perfect.women also deserved " foriveness"..N.B.!! dunt expect all human in this world are the same.ifanyperson example si A ever do "this" mistake and it dosent mean if si B doing "this/ tht" mistake because of same reason..
beliving and giving a chance to other party as well necessary.but its matter of time..either thgs will be better or faded away. i admitted im not perfect and i tend to make mistake and from mistake i learn this meaning of life.
dunt bother to ask wat is going on..just enough to knw im struggeling with my current situation...
kemalangan dlm kehidupan mcm sudah tersurat and tertulis buat ku..
time2 xm,d waktu critical lah semua prob rise up.while my state xm just around the corner there is a time when i feel those sound impossible!!!half way to give up all this..still im praying thgs gonna be just fine..trying harder..for wat?

bone marrow suppression


Miss Red LadyBirD said...

Be strong girl... macam ada something happened to u. apapun...remember i always be your side when u need me k...