Wednesday, August 10, 2011

11th ramadhan

 Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesebelas
  • Ia meninggal dunia di dalam keadaan bersih dari dosa seperti baru dilahirkan
if u commence tarawikh tonight on th 11h ramadhan insyaalh some day when u died you will be as just like a newborn baby :) am

dear friends as reminder for me myself and everyone out there, its an opportunity to take the advantages for ibadah during ths holy month :) still somtimes i m still acting so unfaithful when ever there is some annoying things happening to me..masyaalh...sometimes i still feel its seems like so unfair for me to go thru this kind of life..well well again muhasabah diri itu ada perlu..look out there, and try to compare how luxury and how lucky we are to be here in malaysia other than palastin and 3rd world country who are struggling for living. lets pray for them..doa for every muslim in ths world.amin..

so lets dunt be unfaithful person :)
on top of it pls2 pls clink on my nuffnag adv.thnx