Sunday, August 07, 2011

ramadhan al mubarak

eid mubarak to all muslim around the great full we are to be able to celebrate this holy moth that insyallh could bring us more happiness and gratitude toward Allah S.W.T.Amin.
its been awhile kinda abundant my blog..:) bck to im celebrating ramadhan in sandakan for the first time as HO.i tot its gonna be bored and killing my soul deeply..well im such lucky to b in orthopedic dept :)
there is a moment i feel so lonely breaking fast at home alone with my kitty orev..well i think the other ho doing the same too,at least went to bazar with other friends too.i love bazar ramadhan~~ :) just love it..
still able to commence solat terawikh here..thank GOD. :) otherwise nothing much different comparing to my previous ramadhan.. :) as my first year to celebrate raya after get title DR ( yukss ) and tarra i dunt feel excited about baju raya no time to event measure my baju raya..hantar jak contoh.kata jahit d labuan kan. shopping  kain pun ala least i still able to choose by myself.and yes able to belanja my mom baju raya and my other siblings.event tak semewah mana pun..if before ne my mom in advance or my love one will choose for things survival..fully dependent ..hahah ya kah..bukan upah baju yg berjela2 itu d taja oleh mr M..hahah thank u my dad..of coz dia pun tau anak nya ne nama jak sudah kerja tetap juga ndak kecukupan setelah mati membyr kereta,road tax and damn insurance :)
i just cant wait for my cuti raya ..