Tuesday, December 14, 2010

mabul and kapalai island did blast my birthday :)

opss..more pic will be uploaded soon :)

just intro2 cukup lah tu kan ..

wat i can say is kapali island is superb and awesome  place to escape from everything.i feel like in haven.enjoy every single minutes.even tak dpt p sipadan island.but kapalai still world class place for divers as well..snokerlin pun sudah rasa mcm jakun@ terpegun..heheh ini lah lahi divers.ikan nemo..ikan biru2 and etc.semua best..mau pigi lagi :)

emmm since im so tired now..will upload more abt ths trip ya..

thanx to my family for ths lovely trip


Miss Red LadyBirD said...

Yahhhh....snorkeling mmg best. 1st dlu d pulau sapi KK thn 2006. Since then,nda penah lg.Bah...if ada cuti2, jom la pegi pulau mna2 snorkeling lg.

BudmanB said...

Looks like you had a good time :-)
I like the sunglasses,hair, and Life jacket...definitely...
Mmmmm...the hat not so sure?
I like your blog thanks for sharing....BudmanB

DefadaPooh said...

maslyn : sure next time we pigi :)

budman : thnx for the compliment.